IIW 20 Proposed Topics
From IIW
What topics are you planning to present about or lead a discussion about at this IIW?
- Notification management - Notifs
- unhosted identity
- Redelegation of OAuth bearer tokens
- "OpenID Connect certification
- Proof of Possession"
- Trust-elevation (adaptive access)
- IdM for future scientific collaborations
- I am a member of the W3C Credentials Community Group (http://opencreds.org) and will present status/progress/goals/roadmap/use cases and how they relate to other identity initiatives.
- OpenID Connect mobile profile
- "Consent management UI and internals International consent issues"
- consumer consent interoperability
- "UMA IoT authorization HEART"
- Looking forward to collaborating on OAuth2 technologies, like OpenID Connect, UMA and multi-party federation.
- Scoring AuthN
- Meeco - Life Management Platform
- distributed governance, sociotechnical controls for sociotechnical systems, hybrid approaches to complexity and risk
- IoT, scim
- IDM strategies used successfully by NetIQ customers
- Privacy protecting discovery
- Anonymity, security
- "future of money identity internet of things"
- Organic governance; Collaborative systems of credit and trust; Data-sharing platforms
- Lightweight UMA and HEART Authorization Server for Authorization Management and the IoT
- "Credential Trust Elevation standards @ OASIS ID Ecosystem Steering Group"
- IoT without the cloud
- Internet of Things
- FreedomBox update
- MyWave, Frank and the MyWave Platform
- XDI Core 1.0
- The usual VRM stuff. :-)
- bank fraud, HCE,
- "Nadine's (conceptual) nutrition app.Maybe. We'll see."
- Inter-domain friendships
- "Reality Check: Does Privacy Truly Matter Today? The remarkable ongoing debate of whether privacy truly matters or even exists anymore beckons us to inquire heartily and purposefully. Privacy is a hotly debated, emotional and polarizing topic amongst friends, executives, and world leaders.
What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW?
- what's new in identity protocols, VRM, ...
- Trust Frameworks including Public and Private Sector organizations and international governments
- http-free protocols http://www.wavis.org/blog/http-free-web-protocols"
- SCIM, OpenID Connect
- UMA - VRM - OIDF Certification Threat Management Reputation Management
- What others are doing
- OAuth OpenID Connect and FIDO profiles
- OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, UMA
- Federated and delegated IdM
- How other technologies overlap and can potentially integrate with the Credential CG standards.
- "Personal control of data sharing OAuth/OpenID Connect"
- SCIM extensions or anything SCIM
- OpenID Connect, UMA, vectors of trust
- Others working on consent management
- "OAuth, OpenID Connect, and UMA used together
- Healthcare use cases for identity"
- OpenID Connect Logout / OAuth2 for IOT / latest and greatest in new authentication protocols (i.e. FIDO...)
- OpenPDS, anonymous authentication, XDI, PDS, Personal Data EcoSystem
- Progress with eco-system & XDI
- everything !
- IoT, scim
- VRM, privacy, secure data access, future of Identity
- IoT, biometrics
- All kinds of things!
- Privacy architectures; Alternative currencies and related ecosystem and trust verification models
- "VoT/Vectors of Trust OIDC"
- Truly decentralized social identity
- VRM Guidelines
- Everything.
- new dynamics in on-line identities
- VRM stuff, the latest in open identity standards. Hoping to visit with Doc Searls & meet Katrina Dow and just see how much the VRM space has grown or changed since my last IIW (two years ago)
- Identify dots to connect in open ecosystem in real estate
- All things patient ID - as well as calendar and schedule sharing
What are the critical questions about user-centric identity and data you hope to discuss with peers at IIW?
- social physics consensus and collaboration using decentralized mechanisms (e.g. blockchain)
- How to have identity without subscription to a service. IE How to have a service recognize rather than authenticate.
- Password management use cases with SCIM OpenID Connect NAPPS Profile
- User Centric Business Models
- What are the remaining roadblocks to adoption of higher LOA BYOI
- "Identity Management as a Service - Use Cases Attribute based credentials - Use casesMulti factor authentication on Mobile Devices"
- Consent
- "Multiple authorization servers for access tokens
- IoT security and authorization"
- How can I secure all the API's in my household IOT devices?
- New OAuth Profiles, Personal Data Stores, Privacy Engineering
- What are folks current challenges?
- How should data storage systems change to accommodate better Identity models? Castle Wall versus Las Vegas Casino models. The Castle checks the identity at the gate and gives access to the castle. The Casino allows anyone to come inside but monitors every movement, performs facial recognition, etc..
- Universal IDM taxonomy
- Can biometrics be used safely and securely in security products?
- All of above
- Communication of attributes using metadata for provenance and assurance info
- How do you enable ad-hoc, quasi spontaneous social networks?
- I would like to progress the work on OAuth.
- Standards & adoption
- criminal impersonation
- Mostly what the latest is in open standards. I'm trying to assess the distance from mainstream acceptance and gauge the rate at which it's closing.
- How we will implement a global social graph without using unique identifiers.