IIW 15 Proposed Topics
From IIW
Proposed Topic List for IIW #15
What topics are you planning to present about or lead a discussion about at this IIW?
- Robust Security for Mobility Strong authentication for web
- OpenID Connect (3)
- transparency
- Publish Trust Framework,
- APA Trust Lab
- OAuth,
- Decentralized Data Sharing Using XDI
- OpenID Connect
- OpenID Connect
- OAuth, OpenID Connect
- Advancing the Personal Cloud architecture.
- OpenID Connect, OAuth, JOSE, JWT
- Cloud Foundry or Activity Streams
- OpenID Connect, Privacy, Smart Cards, Security in IdM, Privacy preserving IdM
- Identity verification
- Respect Network Founding Partners
- Connect.Me Public Beta
- Personal Clouds - Getting Real
- XDI Connectors
- Healthcare need for a national patient identifier
- Enterprise OAuth Implementation
- Privacy Certification - Health Record Banking
- Account Chooser
- AAMVA (NSTIC) pilot
- None
- Backplane
- Backplane
- CRM 2.0 -> is this VRM?
- How do we reinsure users about PDS security3) My identity and settings above browsers and Apps
- XDI, Respect Network, FreedomBox
- attribute authorities, trust frameworks,
- online reputation
- Smartcard security, OpenID
- Investor and Entrepreneur Meetup
- What does "fiduciary duty" mean to an infomediary?
What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW?
- Progress on the legal layer of 'trust' and identity, or at least a working roadmap
- OAuth (3)
- OpenID Connect (5)
- SCIM (3)
- UMA,
- User Privacy,
- 22 Ways Skype's Identity System Sucks
- Mozilla BrowserId
- Identity technologies
- open systems
- attributes,
- APIs,
- privacy,
- RPs,
- futures,
- innovation
- The practicality, utility, pitfalls, and implications of community personas (+1)
- OAuth, OpenID Connect, SAML, SCIM
- OpenIDConnect, UMA, OAuth2, User Privacy,VRM
- Mozilla BrowserId
- openid, oauth,
- Big Data and Identity management.
- Identity management and privacy (and VRM).
- How VRM and CRM work together.
- Examples of VRM solutions working with businesses
- IdMaaS State of the Art and way forward, security for IdM in the cloud, smart card solutions
- NSTIC Progress
- oauth 2 mac tokens
- Innovations
- OAuth 2.0, SAML, OpenID Connect, next-gen web-of-trust
- XDI & KRL Standards. VRM business models.
- OAuth 2, OpenID Connect, SCIM,
- OpenID Connect, OAUTH
- OpenID Connect, OAuth
- Progress in personal information ecosystems
- AccountChooser, OpenID Connect
- egal issues around a data cooperative of sorts
- OpenID Connect, OAuth
- OAuth security, authorization use cases, authorization security
- current projects, protocols, standards and frameworks for online identity, privacy, data sharing, and reputation, including: OAuth, OpenID Connect, SAML, SCIM, as well as trust frameworks like NSTIC. Also, perspectives on Educause, Internet2, InCommon, CSG
- OpenID ConnectOAuth 2.0
- OpenID 2.0OAuth
- NSTIC, economics of privacy
- establishing identity, marketing personal data, business models for brokering agents
- Standardization/Security/A brand project example/
- online reputation
- OpenID Connect, IdMaaS, OAuth
- Current developments in the PDE
What are the critical questions about user-centric identity and data you hope to discuss with peers at IIW.
- Should the identity and personal data communities enagage the larger privacy and IAM professional communities? If so, how?
- Is NSTIC's tempo right?
- Establishing and managing end user privacy
- How can we securely federate identity providers?
- paulmadsen
- The important ones.
- Establishing and managing end user privacy
- paulmadsen
- The important ones.
- Moving the standards forward
- Why is a 'v' all that stands between privacy and piracy?
- Who's really doing it. Where is it working? Who are the key vendors and stakeholders who will drive it. What are the roadblocks and where are they being overcome.
- Interoperability of the personal data ecosystemApps for the personal data ecosystemWhat's the MVP for a personal cloud?
- How to prevent fraud in healthcare while allowing users to control attributes of their own identity
- What is the right balance between convenience and security?
- How to secure personal data.
- Will NSTIC funding continue in a Romney administration?
- convenient identity verification for consumers; capturing and enforcing user access permissions for their own data
- trust frameworks
- Identity Verification
- How to design a secure user-centric identity scheme?
- Security, PII,
- Identity and privacy challenges at the intersection of fixed and mobile user experiences.
- Especially interested in Person-to-Person selective conveyance of personal information.
- My identity and settings above browsers and Apps
- contextual privacy
- online reputation
- Education around PD and security
- The cross between enterprise identity and social login based access.