IIW 15 Opening Session
From IIW
- A statement or token from a trusted party about the bearer
- A document of achievement or licence issued to a person
- A set of attributes who’s authenticity is asserted by a trusted third party
- A proof of identity required to gain access to a protected resource
- Digital form of attributes about an individual/entity
- Immutable OR
- Aquired
- Reputation + proven track record (Verifiable)
- Verb – the act of vetting identity of a subject and assigning a reusable artifact that can be used to make Auth decision.
- Noun – An Artifact (token) that represents a subject that has been authenticated.
- Level of assurance associated to an identity
- Item used to identify an individual
- One or more objects which when combined with an identifier may be used to authenticate an entities identity.
- Something a user knows, has or is which can be used to positively identify them by a third party.
- Unique Identified of someone
- A verifiable accomplishment
- Unique Identity of someone
- Something about someone
- A government-issued identifier associated with a unique person
- A validated form of identity information
- Identification of a person/entity
- Physical Keys
- 1) Relying party 2) Issuing Authority 3) Bearer
- an asserted statement of knowledge form a trusted third party
- logical keys
- An individually unique characteristic, word/phrase or physical token that is associated with that person
- A thing that permits that prossesor to do something they couldn’t do if they lock.
- Means for authentication to a system
- Information to authorize
- A token to allow someone to access / use a service
- A unique identifier of association with an identity
- Something gained (or ?) based on track record, consistency, wisdom and presence.
- A feeling of comfort between two parties.
- Security that you will not be compromised
- Assurance against impersonation
- Something politicians lose when they open their moths in November.
- Earned, proxy, referred, viral
- Trust is: You will be punished if you lie to me or somebody else I trust.
- No Trust ←→ No social society
- Something of value <3
- A black-box entity, the internals of which are intended to remain obscure, whose actions and results are agreed – in advance – to be (at least) acceptable to all subscribing parties
- Predictable behavior by any other party
- That the information presented is not deceptive and I have confidence in its source.
- Operates in your “best interest”
- A short-cut to building a contract
- To rely on another
- A willingness to accept without further discussion or independent verification, an assertion of a correspondent.
- Confidence that I am hearing and seeing is factual and with not cause me harm.
- A feeling of stability W|R|T another
- Freedom from fear <3
- Behavior between or among individuals yielding confident sharing of sensitive information.
- Something validated by many things.
- Verb – to expose yourself to another with conviction that they will behave well.
- Noun – Conviction that something/someone will behave well.
- A collection of identity systems used by multiple parties that interoperates.
- The “good guys” on Star Trek
- The political body of planet governments on Star Trek
- Cooperation and Interoperation to a common standard and policies to achieve a goal.
- In many US geographies the colloquial name for the local umbrella giving organization of the Jewish community
- A trusted Network
- A cooperative striving for a similar goal
- Acceptance of credentials issued by other members of a group. Issuance and acceptance of credentials for/by other members of a group
- Traditional Federation contract + traditional bilateral contract
- Open Federation opt-in Behavioral alignement
- Federation allows for decentralization of distributed systems, makes use of but is not dependent on single relying entities that can disappear.
- Joint cause – to be aligned of in league with one anther.
- Requires cooperation, agreement, trust interoperability better entities
- An internal network organizational entity or legal relationship designed to enable coordinated action by independent compotnents who share values policies or expressed mission standards.
- Skeletal Structure
- Something that provides structure
- Relationship between entities
- Noun – the relationships between entities in a given context and…
- Common Structure
- A set of require elements used to build a stable ctructure
- Structure of design principles/ design constraints
- An agreement – shared by both providers and users
- A set of accepted consider and constraints that inform a shared agreement/ input
- Purpose built
- Constraints and Incentives
- A bounded environment within which a given community agrees to operate according to common rules.
- Set of rules, policies, mechanisms creating a common platform.
- Verb – to place boundaries around a thing “ we frameworked like crazy, that identity problem”
- Design constraints.
- confidentiality
- “everybody’s got something to hide” ‘cept for me and my monkey. That thing I spend to little thinking about because lea like the beatle’s song….?
- The desire to maintain confidentiality with the freedom of choice as to when and with whom to share that which is considered confidential.
- An element of safety in information exchange
- secure networks
- the absesnes of others
physical isolation
- ability to control who can see me naked
- something kids don’t understand or see the value of
- The exception that control over information about you will be respected by others
- No leek of info
- Protecting personal information from unauthorized disclosure.
- The privileged to withhold information
- The control that we have over our data actions spaces and thereabouts w.r.t. their publicity and sharing
- That which remains unclear only a specified individual or groups control.
- The ability to protect information.
- The ability to selectively control who knows secrets.
Privacy Right
- A basic human right that when respected would ensure our freedoms as we know them today.
- Right to decide what I wish to share with others
- The right to control the flow of your personal data
User control
- Anonymity
- Extremely selective secrecy
- Having things personal to me held in confidence and respected
- Mind your own business
- User managed access to pii
- User consent
- The freedom to act without others having knowledge of your actions.
- Disclosure control.
User control
- User controlled sharing of their information
- User allows what can and can’t be shared.
- The ability to decide who knows who you are what you have and what you’re doing.
- Controlled information by the individual
- User Control
- Protected Information
- Community defined, Controlled Information
- Control outgoing information flow
- A verifiable accomplishment
- Respecting social boundaries and conventions
- Having my boundaries respected
- Perception
- Feeling of safety
- Comfort with situation
- Confidence in a condition
- Something that provides confidence to transact/get data moving etc. etc. etc.
- A state of minimal risk
- Feeling of safety and assurance
- A state of well-being
- Rules control
- The art/science of protecting a resource
- The ability to protect assets
- A trust relationship
- Data encryption
- A set of rules which is tough to solve with existing commuting dowes
- Method/procedures that allow a user to believe that he/she knows what is happening with their data.
- Protects the access to the resources by applying set of control rules.
- Survival in hostile environment
- Protection against attack.
- Able to prevent intrusions.
- The dept in charge of prevention.
- Knowing enough about who you are dealing with to make the risk of continuing manageable.
- Providing controlled access
- Making sure valuable things are protected
- The scheme associated with managing one’s identity and infrastructure.
- Protection of resources
- User access management
- People, process, technology to auncoratic risk.
- Security is a state of feeling that nothing or no one out there CAN exploit/misuse/confiscate anything you rightfully own.
- Knowing your future in secure.
- Establishment of confidence for an individual or entity’s actions “to be sure”
- Never having an unencrypted copy of your vital info on someone else’s server.
- Mutual benefit
- Holistic computing world
Mutually beneficial
- A network of systems which collaborate with each other to attain certain objectives.
- A number of ecosystem individual interacting elements interdependent.
- Decentralized cooperation.
- Biological environment that supports a variety of symbiotic life forms
- Framework for interop
- Technical systems and interactions between similar business systems
- Stuff that needs each other
- Diversity Inclusive
Common Rules
- Evolving over time
- Ecosystem = Community
- Community
- A more balanced Fronted and backend system
- Trust
- A system with balance where each entity performs their own role and depends on each other implicit trust and trade offs
- The Milieu in which all things eat and, in turn, are eaten.
- A group of entities working together mutually benifiting
- An organized arrangement of interrelated actors
- Environment where competing and complimentary systems interact
- System of systems
- Interdependent entities and how they act and react to each other and their environment
- An interdependent group of entities whose activities feed and aid the growth of the entities around them
- The plural for an assembly of more than one eco a system of ecos, ecosystem
- Natural biological definition: A network of living systems that interact and interdependent upon each other forming a wholistic community of life.
- Identity Ecosystem: Multiple domains of identity systems including business, legal and technical layers and participants, that cross-boundaries and interact as a whole.
- A set of interdependent organiz
- The interactions and relationships between entities in a closed system
- A collection of interdepend things.
- Collection of players in the industry who each contribute a part for the complete industry to exist.
- An environment containing a collection of species and organisms
- An interrelated, interconnections, and interdependence complex of individual organisms considered as a whole.
Identity characteristics - unique that differentiate an individual for all other.
- Personality, characteristics, and mindset of an individual.
- Set of attributes uniquely representing an indivdiaul
- How I perceive myself
- How other perceive me
- The notion of who or what someone or something is
- The way I am
- The different ways others think or recognize who I am
- Who you can be proven to be
- Refers to the entity that can assert prove who you are.
- Depends on who you ask
- Authenticaiton
- Authorization
- Sense of self
- Identification
- Biometric matching/scanning
- Who you are
- Persona is a relationship (Identity in Context)
- That which can be identified
- A collection of personas and attributes which are bound to a single unique entity (entity can be a human being, a group etc).
- What you know about me
- Who I am, within a certain context.
- The essence of me!
- The being my parents named at my birth and only I have the right to re-name
- The being whom only I have the full right to name
- A handle used to communicate with me
- A context for interactions and trust
- The sum total of all that an individual entity is, physically and virtually
- Every thing an entity touches
- A set of properties that define or describe who you are.
- The individual set of attributes that make up that self.
- The attributes associated with an entity that in total describe its unique and important qualities in a given context.
- The sum total of an the information that is associated with or known about you.
- Who I am, my behaviors, my actions, everything I touch and interact with in the physical world and virtual
- What others think of you
- A first impression based on historical information
- Known history of a thing or person
- Expectation to produce results (if good)
- Record of past actions
- What people remember about X
- Measure of quality as defined by a peer group.
- The socially constructed qualified associated with an entity
- What systems remember about you
- What others say about you
- A means to regulating access or permissions
- What people think of you
- The impression of someone/something in people’s mind
- What entities (apps etc) know via trust marks or certification about other apps
- The sum of your actions and interactions with others
- Your skills, interest, morals summarized
- An interpretation of one’s accumulated past/historical activities
- Reputation is how other people perceive me.
- What others think about you.
- What people think they know about you.
- The mirror for everything
- The trust for everything
- Public rating from mass audience
- Combined set of expectations about an individuals or a group’s performance and behavior.
- Reputation is an external view of an individual, it can be at a general level or quite specific.
- Deep insight of behavior from close community
- The essence of what you are best/most known for