IIW – LAB-in-a-BOX for Communities to Be In Living Experiments
LAB-in-a-BOX for Communities to Be In Living Experiments
Day/Session:Tuesday 1C
Convener: Mei Lin Fung
Notes-taker(s): Scott Mace
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Mike Graglia, New America – Registries
Bob Craig, CIO, 100-year-old law firm
Sherry Stein, CETA Lab,
Jess Harrison, Stop Child Traffic dot org.
Bruce Conrad, Pico Labs, BYU. We have to remember hundreds of passwords easy for us to remember
Sari, Stenfors, working on digital divide & disabled people. We have been thinking about a lab, bring these future concepts to people today, especially different types of people.
Chris Mellon, New America – how SSI can help us to crowdsource a lot of data gathering
Mike – Chris has recently been to Puerto Rico
Mei Lin – People centered Internet, cofounded with Vint Cerf. Local communities have no idea who is doing what. Trading posts help people discover the frontier. The idea of Lab in a Box, how can we help the trading posts be more effective? Even an initial set of small checklists or principles, what would that be?
What we want, what we fear
Problem statement
Proof of concept
Field test
KPIs / criteria
Assess performance
Feedback / revise
The problem statement needs to be ratified with the community before you start
Focus on children
Field test in community centers, schools, libraries
Mike – SSI, credentials go in my wallet. In real life, how do you use your DID or public key to assert things to vote for resource allocations, maybe using a device to confirm they are actually on the island of Puerto Rico. A way to push credentials down but get opinions back in a timeline that matters, rather than paying a consultant for insights months later
Chris – Mediation between individuals and governments, to let adjudication counsels evaluate claims
Can community self-adjudicate? Conflict
Jess – issue of trust. How can agencies build and keep trust?
What is an appropriate verification process?
Mike – Trafficking issue.
Jess – Parents giving up their guardianship for the kid to have a better life, but then the child is trafficked.
Sari – Refugees often lie about their identity in order to get access to the next country. Create a profile. Claiming neighbors & sister’s kids as your own to get them a better life. Here in the U.S. you get a [FICO] score, really scared when everything is digital & rigid, if I get sick, I’m still a pretty good person, how do we create these fuzzy gray spaces of identity. How do we introduce the human side to it?
Loss of our humanity when digital eliminates gray (grace) spaces
Mike - Rare disease space, have an app, as soon as kid presents with diagnosis, take a picture, we want to build a registry of what this morphology looks like, we can with some accuracy say this kid has a rare disease. But if I happen to run a country that has too many people, send them to be cannon fodder. Should you have the luxury of constructing a new identity?
Mei Lin: What’s going to be in the lab in a box? Things to start with
Sari: It’s all about governance. Who is on the board? What are their rules?
Social credit scores limit opportunities
Facial / video recognition – arbitrary use without humanity
Mei Lin: The U.N. has set up a high-level panel on digital social technical protocols.
In a Box Solutions:
Tools / platforms Pen & paper / writing Discussion group (F2F, Email, online) Digital wallet (duration?) Library-in-a-box example (Wikipedia, where to find water, aid) Document safe (physical & cloud) Power source
Scientist / testers
Publications Journals Newspapers / flyers
Data collection Simple Capacity to demo Opportunity to opt in Obvious place to interact
How can it work?
Phone / iPad / tablet / Pi Digital lockers / post-disaster Radio / TV Meetup groups
Engaging, get buy-in Incentive?
Mei Lin – Indian story of how the shopkeeper is king – spilled over into call centers
How do we take into account social norms?
Westerner takes photo of girl, puts photo on the Web, the family kills them. But it was innocent
Sherry – We have to understand the conditions of the environment
Cultural primer
Cultural denominator
A context filter all the way from the village up to the country
Partner with anthropologists & ethnographers in order to do lab in a box, plus community leaders, local business