Household ID and Personal Data @ Rest
From IIW
Session Topic: Household ID and Personal Data @ Rest
Tuesday 4G
Convener: Nick Katsivelos
Notes-taker(s): Leon Brown
- Nick @ Family CTO R/G
- Issues: Lots of devices in house, lots of stuff in-home to take care of, looking to make Family CTO into a movement
Family || Enterprise Personal || SMB
- Gap is in family space
- Ideas get killed for not understanding personal information: Example was a product to help making a birthday event for a six year old which may involve collection photos. Lawyers poo-poo it.
- “API Economy” and people exposing data - lots of data mashup apps and services
- Issue: Login + chicklet of social logins
- Talking about commoditization of authentication and how developers leverage convenience of using a larger login system
- Movie “Terms and Conditions May Apply”
- Want: Similar to OAuth methodology, abstract storage from access. Offer developers a simple way to access.
- PDE - Personal Data Ecosystem mailing list
- “Jan Rain” ??? → Ask Marla Hay
- How high in the trust parameters need to go allow access to arbitrary storage?
- Where you don’t want to pay PCI compliance? PCI compliance still required if you have data stored on an individuals
- Wine example: I shop at three wine sites, they can give me purchase history
- Individuals have an API on their personal data ‘wine api’
- Ancillary service like TripIt dot come - initially email it in an data aggregates back to my storage.
- Mes Info (My Info - in French) - What happens when you give a customer their personal data? Ask Joceyln Searles. Using 300 interested customers who have multiple service usage. Developers get access to provide value.
- HouseHold ID - Would help if multiple people could be aggregated on a single lump at times. Like going to the supermarket. Good research problem: Families hack the system all the time - multiple family members using same CVS card. How prevalent?