Guardianship & SSI
Guardianship & SSI
Thursday 18C
Convener: Sterre den Breeijen
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Zoom Chat Transcript:
From Paul Dunphy to Everyone: 06:34 PM Sounds is good
From Jody to Everyone: 07:05 PM Guardianship Authority would work well for me
From Line Kofoed to Everyone: 07:06 PM Guardianship authority
From Daniel Burnett to Everyone: 07:06 PM Guardianship Authority
From Alan Karp to Everyone: 07:08 PM I like the idea of presenting this in terms of a household because it avoids a lot of the legal discussion that isn’t relevant to the key idea.
From Daniel Burnett to Everyone: 07:09 PM Drummond often talks about transactional identity, and it's appropriate here as well. In an ideal world, performing an action as a guardian should require only the authority to do so, and not necessarily a revelation of what your relationship is that allows you to take that action
From Paul Dunphy to Everyone: 07:10 PM I think the powers of attorney discussion is one step beyond the type of flexible and spontaneous delegation that a credential might enable
From Tom Jones to Everyone: 07:11 PM Authority is often based on relationship
From Daniel Burnett to Everyone: 07:12 PM Digital credential delegation is a technical capability
Yes Tom, but that does not mean that the relationship has to be revealed as long as (in a VC world) a trusted issuer (e.g. a government authority) claims the individual has the right
From Daniel Burnett to Everyone: 07:18 PM I need to go. Thank you Sterre!
From Me to Everyone: 07:19 PM
From Jeffrey Aresty to Everyone: 07:21 PM I appreciate your effort to clarify the area. This is an important area for SSI, especially for adoption.
From Paul Dunphy to Everyone: 07:22 PM There are quite some human-centred issues with designing technology for delegation. e.g. the person that needs help doesn’t want to expose themselves to additional risk by sharing resources. Plus the “helper” doesn’t want to be accused of misusing the resources they are provided access to (or they won’t help again). The “service providers” don’t want extra hassle to faclilitate that delegation arrangement. etc.
From Jeffrey Aresty to Everyone: 07:25 PM I also have to leave. Thanks for a great presentation and discussion.
From Wayne Chang to Everyone: 07:30 PM Sorry I realized we’re using the blue hands
From Me to Everyone: 07:30 PM some are, some aren't ;)
From Alan Karp to Everyone: 07:39 PM
Johnny, Are you an astronomer? (I am.) Actually, I was.
From johnnyfromcanada to Everyone: 07:44 PM To help model complex / wicked domains, consider modelling via Domain Driven Design (DDD) techniques: Strategic & Tactical levels, Bounded Contexts, Ubiquitous Language, Event Storming.
No an astronomer, but always been enamoured about space, the universe, space, space travel, physics,… (love Star Trek). For those not in the know, my background is an actual picture (composite), the Hubble Extreme Deep Field. Essentially, every dot is a _gallaxy_. “Sorry about the turkeys”
From Me to Everyone: 07:48 PM
From Line Kofoed to Everyone: 07:48 PM Thanks, Sterre!