Go To Market PDE 2

From IIW

Title: Personal Data Ecosystem Go to Market Part 2

Session: Thursday, Session 2, Space M

Conference: IIW-11 November 2-4, Mountain View, Complete Notes Page

Convener, Note Taker:Kaliya Hamlin

iOS                Safari
Android         Chrome
Windows       Explorer
______          Mozilila

Facebook SSO environment across everything

Talking about new Chrome OS - you login to the computer and it brings all your stuff from the cloud down into the system and knows who you are.

Hold Users REal IDentity in master directory.

ChromeOS you sign into book marks etc.

Back into very fabric the OS knows who you are.

PDS - personal data store

  • Hard drive of iPhone - I have control

User-Adoption use phone and browser

Version of the truth - per roll

“Anonymous user” - Dependent / Indpendent

  • A quote from facebook - We believe that data wants to be unified.


Silhouette and Pattern Detection - Permissioned Research.

PDS is an abstraction - collection of data across many things

  • How do you connect and have control.

Start with easily collectable things

  • Calendar
  • Transaction graph - credit cards - member/customer
  • Things I own and buy

Services I use

Social graph “I know this person”

  • Where I go
  • Who I know
  • Where i go

Transaction graph - I connect to each of the things I am a customer of

Not enough to make graph

  • Portable and Private
  • Social & Interest
  • Transactional - things I own and services

Display Advertising ecosystem because none of this data is surfaced to the user.