Glossary Results - Credentials, Wallets, Agents Defined. + Next Steps
Glossary Results – Credentials, Wallets, Agents Defined + Next Steps
Thursday 21F
Convener: Kaliya Young, Drummond Reed, & Margo Johnson
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Here is the slide deck -
Wallet can have qualifiers
One could be enterprise wallet
see the specific terms.
WAllet can be depended on
With SSI - holds my identity credentials.
Bank - Vault might be better for them.
Storage - is more generic and more broadly.
Talk about an agent - agent framework and controler.
Depending on person talking and listening they may understand different things.
When describing these things - what are the words that I should be using.
Opportunity to add descriptors or qualifiers to be clear in what contexts we are doing what functions. May be possible to get past those points of confusion.
Enterprise wallet and multi user are stretching it too much.
Agent - creates an expectation that the agent is doing something non-trivial.
Wallet doing direct manipulation.
Insurance agent and publishing agent.
Something more complicated.