Demos for IIW11

From IIW
  • OpenIDSampleStore
    • is a demonstration website that incorporates the latest research and guidelines for how a website with a large set of existing user accounts can start to migrate to OpenID.
  • Eran Sandler (it's not up yet. It will be by the time we start IIW 2010B)
    • Using Facebook Connect or Twitter Connect to access various 3rd party sites? What would you do if your Facebook or Twitter account got suspended? Generally you are screwed and won't be able to access that favorite site. Unless, you retrieve your connect. Allow our retriever to retrieve your Facebook or Twitter Connected identity back to life by backing it up with a "stronger" identity confirmation from Google, Yahoo, AOL or your favorite OpenID provider, and be able to access that favorite web site.
  • Meet
    • Last Spring Steve Greenberg presented the first Data Portability Policy draft for your review. We'll show the site, its purpose, language, roadmap and how you can help.
  • Bleam
    • Bleam creates an iPhone back channel for its users. It enables public & private one-to-one and group text chats, sharing contacts, photos, docs. User choice of integration with Twitter or Fbook. The User decides who sees what: direct or private group messages or public messaging
  • The FreshBooks App Store
    • FreshBooks is using Open Web technologies to earn more revenue through its integrations program. Learn how FreshBooks uses OAuth's unique properties to build an App Store, and how we are using Caja to build a gadget container in a lighter way than OpenSocial.
  • Five
    • The idea to aggregate your social information and generate interesting social visualization widgets automatically that can be embedded in multiple places. Users would be able to generate and post interring insights about their online presence easily. This is really early stage and the website is not up yet, so in case something happens and it is not finished in time, I would demo our current product, Five. Five uses twitter to suggest relevant people for you. You can find out more about Five at

  • Universal Cloud ID
    • OpenID users are at risk of being victimized by password related security threats -- phishing, keylogging, and man-in-the-browser attack. Ohanae Universal Cloud ID delivers high assurance with built-in data privacy protection and identity prevention. Ohanae provides users a login that cannot be guessed, phished, or stolen.

  • REACH SocialCast http://www.socialcast
    • Reach allows customers to embed Activity Streams into business systems. All Reach extensions are created and maintained through a simple configuration tool that walks users through the selection, formatting and installation of either html/javascript code snippets or Microsoft Sharepoint webparts. Not only will they be provided with exact code to install into business systems, users will also be able to leverage the new Open Graph Protocol or HTML5 Microdata that can be added to drive a very rich experience with stream messages coming from these extensions.
  • Bay Area Community Exchange
    • related to the IIW2009a (may 2009) "identity and the future of money" session facilitated by @giyom, open source web software for grassroots community currencies will be demonstrated that is easily installed on heroku. we'll see experiments related to "agile banking" and hackerspaces done with oauth, openid and qr codes.