Consumer IOT – A Perspective of Retailers, Brands, and Manufacturers

From IIW

Consumer IoT: A Perspective Of Retailers, Brands, and Manufacturers

Day/Session:Wednesday 4E

Convener:Paul Dietrich

Notes-taker(s): Gena Morgan

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Provided an overview of effort including the worlds largest brands and retailers to define business drivers and requirements for enabling a seamless consumer experience.

Enabling richer experiences between brands, retailers and their consumers with their “dumb” products through their smart devices. 

Intro to our effort — 

Sanjay at MIT on our board

Define consumer internet of things

seamless consumer experience

Commerce is changing

Devices are doing our shopping

What does this mean for our members and our standards

The process - 

Key stakeholders from GS1 member companies

Recruit a larger community. Folks came from IOT strategy or from future initiative type programs.





solution providers

data carriers



identity providers

Series of face to face meetings and calls to refine and converge

What business drivers are behind the efffort

What are the requirements for these business drivers

how do these map to a solution architecture

What components require standardization 

What component are available in the commiunity already

Business drivers

Product information

Product state


Dynamic Delivery




Consumer engagement 

Next steps include piloting some of the business driver use cases leveraging GS1 Digital Link standard and solutions. 

Ask if GS1 to explore standardization of digital receipts.