Certifying Use Location for Politics Governance

From IIW

Issue/Topic: Certifying Use Location for Politics Governance (T2A)

Convener: Britt Blaser and Lucas Cioffi

Conference: IIW-East September 9-10, 2010 in Washington DC Complete Set of Notes

Notes-taker(s): Lucas Cioffi

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

  • There is a difference between constituents and voters in politicians' minds.
  • Citizens certified from a location can gain much more attention from a politician than if they are not.
  • Advocacy groups want to certify that their members are in a politician's district so they can be heard better.
  • Alcatel Lucent provides a way to certify a mobile phone's location
  • Trufina has a way to verify a person's identity including their address
  • NewGov uses credit card billing address to certify a user's address.
  • There would be a need to certify location for each way that citizens contact their representatives, including mobile phones, email, faxes, and land line telephones.