CYBORG Future of ID
From IIW
CYBORG Future of ID
Day/Session:Wednesday 2H
Convener:Sari Stenfors
Notes-taker(s): Steve Fulling
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Two parts to this session: approximately 30 min. each:
1. Dream up the future we want for IDs for CyBorgs. What would work very well??
- Time limited and revocable identities.
- Natural identities based on how we as biological beings behave.
- If we embody the digital world, maybe the digital world takes us over as we pass out.
- Think of tribes, groups perhaps have identities, maybe like the “Borg”
- If we have AI agents, they act on our behalf.
- How do we use the Internet now? As a Cyborg we put on different personas. Multiple identities.
- Control each identity. Augmented reality.
- Ability to differentiate between a Cyborg and no-Cyborg
- Disappointed in how the human animal has been so overwhelmed on how to extend ourselves.
- Behave in the digital landscape the way we behave in the physical world.
- Many problems with biometrics. How about cybiometrics?
- Bridge interface between physical and digital world. Cybiowallet?
- Identities are identifiers and attributes. We are talking about identifiers.
- Biometrics are identifiers.
- Do identities begin and end? Identities continue but the identifiers do not keep living?
- Who / what are the components? What does it mean to be anonymous?
- What does it mean to be autonomous?
- What if you don’t want to do the things society requires of you??
- How do we bring forth the same characteristics of our current environment?
- How do we have a verifiable record of what did an did not happen.
- How do you combine cyborg and real learning.
- Semi-autonomous agents? Are we online or are our agents online?
- We have group identity. Tribe identity.
- Identity is a social construct. We have identifiers and attributes.
- Identity can be associated with objects. Identify by objects.
- Manufacturing your identity. Who are you really?
- Hivemind.
2. How we are going to get there?
- We are at a given place in time. How do we get to this cyborg future?
- What are the issues today?
- How do imagine our future?
- The figure is entirely different from what we could imagine today?
- How do we avoid the pain of operating by default?
- What do we do to prep?
- Legalize hallucinogenic?
- We need imagination?
- Rethink laws. What are rules?
- Is it in our nature to be proactive?
- We did create work unions, etc.
- Nature is not civil nor is it fair.
- There is a natural contention for resources.
- We are frying our minds. Overclocking.
- We are problem solvers.
- For the first time in history do we have the option to change our future?
- We have the ability to build in balance??
- Do we have better tools today that we’ve not had previously??
- Humans are noisy and predictable. We are simple.
- We have coalitions of humans who want to do the right thing.
- SSI / DID?
3. What is the most important thing we can do today??
- Preservation of our identities.
- Centralized powers and of force don’t work well.
- Decentralized governance, augmented with technology.
- Grateful that people are thinking about his and working on this.
- Preserving ID while designing privacy
- Balancing with consent. Having control over your ID.
- Read your history.
- Read Accelerando
- Use moral as compass.
- Manage and remember our heart.