Build an SSI Proof of Concept on Sovrin

From IIW

Build An SSI Proof Of Concept On Sovrin

Thursday 18H

Convener: Riley Hughes & Streetcred ID Team


Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered: self-sovereign identity, verifiable credentials, Sovrin, SSI, DID

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Instructions for Building a Proof of Concept Session

    • Instructions for Building a Proof of Concept Session**

Get set up on Streetcred Developer Portal by following the directions here:

If you want support from our team, join IIW Slack:

Once you’re in Slack, add yourself to the channel #proof-of-concept

Then, begin working on your proof of concept!

Consider your use case

  • Is there something you’re working on for your current company?
  • Do you have a startup idea you’d like to prototype?
  • Do you want to just do a demo or tutorial to understand how it works? (if so, use this link:

Identify the actors

  • Who is the verifier?
  • Who are the issuers?
  • Who is the holder?

Build out the flow using the Streetcred Developer Portal

  • Set up organizations for the issuers and verifiers
  • Set up Credential Templates for the issuers
  • Set up Verification Policies for the verifiers

Determine next steps

  • Use the API to integrate into a demo application
  • Build a business case
  • Validate ideas with stakeholders