Backplane 2.0 – Implementation
Session Topic:Backplane 2.0 -- Implementation Wednesday 5F
Convener: Tom Raney
Note-Taker(s): Tom Raney
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Client side integration with Backplane 2, OAuth2,
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Tom Raney discussed the nuts-and-bolts sequence of steps to integrate with the Backplane 2 protocol. Vlad Skvortsov from Echo talked about the history of Backplane and its creation from the need to alert JavaScript applications in a browser context of identity login events. Echo and Janrain chose to create and maintain the Backplane specification as an open standard to promote growth of the Backplane eco-system.
Janrain released their implementation of the specification as open source software earlier in the week. See and
All specifications and further details about the Backplane community are maintained at