
From IIW

At the close of the conference we began a new tradition - community to community member awards - you could call them open source in a way - with a box of wine, boxes of chocolate and some books donated by O'Reilly anyone got to give anyone else an award for something from the conference or their general participation in the community for the past year.

Here is a list of the Awards given captured by Dale Olds.

  • Doc presented an award to Paul M and Paul T for doing great work and hashing this out
  • Johannes Ernst to david Recordon for persistence in working out the OpenID 2.0. spec
  • John Panzer by David Recordon for building ? something into the enterprise twice
  • Ashish Jain to Mike Jones for bringing MS to the Open Source community
  • From Mike Jones to Jain Rain, and to Andy Dale
  • David Recordon, to Josh for editing OpenID 2.0, and by ? to Aaron for editing the Oauth spec
  • From Uppili to Dale olds for patience with OSIS
  • from someone to Phil W and Kaliya for IIW
  • from Phil Windley to Drummond Reed for "clarity of thought and overal elegance in what he does"
  • from ? to Joseph Smarr at Plaxo -- making the details work and bits on the wire.
  • From Kaliya to Brett McDowell for persistently showing up and positive in helping to integrate the space
  • From Brett McDowell to Paul Madsen, honor Paul for consistently working to integrate Liberty and SAML community with IIW
  • From Paul Madsen to Bob Morgan for helping the community integrate SAML with user centric
  • Bob Morgan to Marty from Boeing for bringing perspective of large enterprises
  • Doc Searls to Adrianna and everyone who is in the VRM community many of whom came across an ocean to be here.
  • Joseph Smarr to large vendors and online service providers for taking a risk, contributing, and being early adoptors.
  • Johannes Ernst to Kaliya who does a lot of work without getting paid enough, -- we need a business model to support Kaliya
  • From Kaliya to Pamela Dingle for working to bring attention to user ceremony
  • From Kaliya to Bob Blakley for general contributions to the comminity -- a photo book and proposed project to corral all the photographrs to document IIW.
  • One from the group to the espresso guy
  • from Kaliya to Eugene Kim, she couldn't do all what she does without the knowledge and support she gets from Eugene
  • from Eugene to Dan Perry, for being low-key, but very instrumental in making idcommons happen
  • from Dan Perry to Phil Windley, for podcasts and leadership in the community
  • from Phil Windley via Paul Madsen to George Fletcher for helping Liberty being seen as less evil
  • from Brett McDowell to Doc Searls for changing his tune about federation