Aging plus Caregivers plus Post Death Identity Mngt
Session Topic: Aging & Caregivers & Post Death Identity Management IoT Assisted Living
Tuesday 5G
Convener: David Howell
Notes-taker(s): Akiko ORITA
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered: IoT, Aging, Post-Life
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps: After brief introductions of attendees, we discussed both “Aging in Place” and “Post-Life Identity”.
<Aging in Place>
- seniors stay at home
- service vendor network (**Financial (day to day, estate) / **Medical Vendor)
- vender management system
- medical coordination
- power of attorney
- electronic monitoring of medication
- Family DNA
- house system control
- motion detection
- cloud
- entertainment
- even known technology can become harder : More complicated TV controller
- Telephone Interface
- usability,change is very difficult
- (son or daughter must know how to deal with it)
- does the senior need to know?
- personal history / legacy
- The personal stories
- Take their stories from physical artifact (from printed photos to digital data and in the future??)
- personal information estate planning
- Medical / Memories
- Creating hooks back to older memories
- Control with the voice
- Safety boundary
- The model of delegation
Delegation problem -- health record, medical record, information coordination
- Maintain the Identity, identity still persist
after certain inactive period, the account will be removed
| lightweight vault - identity systems are not aware of this state
- social media monuments
How to transfer ownership -- things we own as individuals exist only digitally