7H/ Inclusive Future Tech Bill of Rights / Jessica Tacka
Session 7H
Tech Bill of Rights
Session Convener: Jessica Tacka
Notes-taker(s): Nicole Roy
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Substack for the Tech Bill of Rights:
Socio-authority as morality/criminality - Important tenet for a bill of rights.
Related to the right to be forgotten/forgiven: The right to be alone. What do you do when your information lives on someone else's cloud. The digital home that some can afford but some can't. Admission to people with consent versus being observed. Something to be self-sovereign of. Discussed this in yesterday's Mastodon protocols session.
US Bill of Rights - fourth amendment. People feeling that their fourth amendment rights have been violated due to the whole FISA stuff and web 1 and web 2. Unreasonable search and seizure.
Winning the narrative. Narratives of the founding fathers were from a specific space of privilege. We have adapted these principles to become compatible with modern life. Women can vote, non-land-owners can vote. We're not done fixing it.
Lack of cultural agency and cultural influence.
Notional first 1-10 demands in a bill of rights:
Postal service came out of a requirement to be able to communicate.
Is the context of this a US-centric thing or global thing? Want it to be global.
This stands on its own, it does not need government backing, it is self-evidentially the right thing to do.
UN Sustainable Development Goals - framework, but they're very weak on communication and privacy.
Clean slate laws
"We Demand The Right:"
- To privacy of our infomration
- (Name the private attributes like location, etc.)
- To digital self-determination
- To freedom from prosecution on the basis of attributes of our humanity
- To universal access to an appropriate global baseline of technology necessary to participate in civic and social demands
- NEW WORDS and CONCEPTS for NEW WORLDS (fiduciary versus agent versus what???)
- To be here - to be visible and to have visibility into the human process of technological advancement
- To be respected as peers
- To have representation in decisionmaking that affects our existence in the world
- To repair the things we depend on in our lives
- To have technology which enables access across the full spectrum of abilities and capabilities
- Discussion with Carlos and Michael as the session exited - the right to have visibility of and access to all of your data.