7B/ Mind The GNAP - Delegation beyond OAuth / Justin R
From IIW
Session 7B
Mind the GNAP
Session Convener: Justin Richer
Notes-taker(s): Dean Saxe
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- delegation protocol similar to OAuth
- built on similar mechanisms as oauth
- Justin and team looked at OAuth + OAuth like things + UMA + extensions to OAuth to drive thinking about GNAP
- There is no plan for wire compatibility with OAuth with GNAP
- it is NOT OAuth 3
- What does the room want to hear?
- What does “delegation” mean in GNAP? Is GNAP allowing a user to delegate access to another?
- GNAP allows delegation from a resource owner to a client instance
- In GNAP the end user is a separate entity
- The end user is the user using the client instance, they are usually the resource owner
- GNAP does NOT cover any way to connect the end user and resource owner together - there is no definition of how you set up that ***policy/mechanism
- talking about the RA and end user as separate entities gives flexibility in the protocol
- GNAP enables use cases where the right of authority comes from both the resource owner (RO) and End User
- but the delegation is outside the scope of GNAP
- OAuth2 covers a single user case
- In the cases where RO and end user collapse to a single person, it is supported directly by the protocol
- in GNAP every single request starts the same way
- Adrian Gropper - The lack of connection between the RO and end user is essential in our health use cases
- GNAP is not delegation between users - it’s between person and software
- Section 1.6 of the spec - async authZ diagram on the screen
- from a protocol perspective GNAP presents a menu of options
- client says “this is what I can do, this is what I want”
- authZ server says “this is what I can do and will allow”
- there’s a dynamic negotiation/conversation happening
- Client requests access from the AS
- AS responds with a wait message
- the AS can map the client request to who can authorize the request
- the client polls the AS until access is granted (or denied)
- Note that the client is saying it has no idea how to contact the RO
- the AS instead does this on behalf of the client while the client waits
- the AS can decide what is the best approach for contacting the resource owner
- Can the client host the AS? Or is it typically hosted elsewhere?
- Justin - these are roles in the system fullfilled by some software, so they can all run on the same service
- This is a protocol for effectively generating a limited scope API key in response to a request
- GNAP separates the AS, RO, RS, etc as roles
- the AS knows about people, processes, policies and how to generate an access token
- the RS has to know how to understand the access token and what is being communicated
- GNAP does not specify how the AS and RS are tied together
- there’s another draft addressing this mechanism, it is not in the core doc
- CIBA Example
- call center example
- end user and RO are different
- as a call center agent you need to access information about someone else in the system
- client instance makes request to AS “this is my current user, client software, and user the client wants data about”
- the driving use case here is a user in a call center receives a call
- user asks to view a set of info on the caller
- caller gets a push notification on the app requesting access
- caller approves
- the interactive approval via a trusted channel allows the call center user to see the customer’s data
- What does “delegation” mean in GNAP? Is GNAP allowing a user to delegate access to another?
- In the protocol the client asks for something at AS with a four part request in a JSON doc
- First section: API Access
- grant requests have a rich set of data that can be requested that is defined by the AS
- second section: Info about the client
- client send name, URI, and key information
- Third section of the request says how the AS can interact with the client for starting and finishing the interactions
- multiple starting mechanisms
- one, and only one, finish mechanism
- fourth section: subject info
- First section: API Access
- Response from the AS for a redirect flow
- two part response in JSON
- interact - tell the client to go to a URL with a nonce
- continue - here’s a URL and access token to call the URL
- the token is presented signed by the client key
- this ensures that only the client is able to call the AS as a part of this request
- two part response in JSON
- in GNAP the client is stupid - all the intelligence in the system is within the AS
- message binding
- in the grant request the client send a pub key to identify itself
- that same key is used by the client to create an HTTP message signature
- the sig headers are added to the top of the grant request
- this allows the AS to pull out the key to verify the sig on the message
- this ensures message integrity, the method and target URI have not been manipulated, etc.
- the AS is then clear that the client made the request
- HTTP Message sig is not the only mechanism, JOSE could be used as well
- similar message binding is used for the RS, as well
- unless you opt out and get a bearer token to talk to a RS
- finish message allows the client to tell the AS that the interactions have been completed