6A/ SSI in Developing Countries: Product & Usability
SSI in Developing Countries: Product and Usability
Wednesday 6A
Convener: Rachel Chang, Kiva
Notes-taker(s): Sankarshan,
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Introduction by Rachel - building out Kiva protocol is one of the recent projects. The session will be sharing the learning around adoption of SSI
Kiva protocol enables identity verification for KYC compliance account access and ongoing customer due diligence.
Started around 2y ago; one of the most common things that banks have is a KYC process to verify somehow that the individual is who they say they are (based on existing documents or even someone vouching for them)
eKYC platform was launched at Sierra Leone - worked with local financial providers this was launched at early 2020 (video/walk-through at Marampa Community Bank) using fingerprint the wallet is unlocked and the National ID credentials are shared.
Prior to launch pre-pilot testing phase was conducted for UX - 15 test subjects participated across key partners and stakeholders. Nearly all participants found a match and a correct ID record could be accessed (even if there were initial fingerprint miscaptures). Finding - users tend to use right thumbprint instead of right index fingers based on familiarity with other biometric systems in vogue
Key learnings
Flexibility in options - discouraging experience when the match does not happen first time. Enabling selecting a different finger or provide a voter ID for fallbacks
Integration will improve operational efficiency - customizing eKYC app for the FSP’s existing MIS/core banking improves data consumption.
Education and awareness - bank tellers need to be well trained to explain the benefits of the process of the new verification process. Once customers see the value, the ID credential itself becomes more valuable. Having bank tellers who are engaged helped customers gain confidence and see value
Next Steps
In Sierra Leone, Wallets were held in Guardianship. With the Kiva Protocol Wallet individuals have the opportunity to manage their wallet via mobile (powered by Kiva Aries backend)
Open Questions - the layers of SSI - regulation, technology and trust frameworks are crucial to developing robust, scalable and compliant SSI solutions
Digital Literacy and appetite for technology adoption - how do we explain the benefits of SSI when literacy and digital literacy rates are low? How willing are individuals willing to adopt new technologies and processes?
Data protection - how do we work with a government’s data protection laws? How do we influence policy?
Back-ups - how do we create a more flexible integration between wallets and backup services to guarantee efficient account recovery?
Adaption of current information and digital systems - current IT systems must transition or be integrated with the issuance and verification of SSI credentials
Trust Frameworks - what are the requirements for the different levels of assurance for different use cases? Eg. opening a bank account vs. withdrawing money
Robust decentralized registries - how do we ensure that registries that become the source of credential data are accurate and interoperable? Are there processes and governance frameworks in place?
[Nicky] Were there any challenges with women being able to adopt vs men - eg social norms, literacy, digital access..?
[Rachel] based on the current pilot there have been no specific observations. But further validation would be needed
Nicky also provided context about ongoing academic studies around the lived experience of women in relation to use and consumption of technology.
From Kristina - Omydyar network has a great paper on women and ID and interestingly in some cases, women are in control of entire family identities while in other cases men control all identities of women depriving them of all rights..
From Nicky - There is also this view from ID4D https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/859071468190776482/the-identification-for-development-id4d-agenda-its-potential-for-empowering-women-and-girls-background-paper
[Kristina] so data for eKYC, you get it from local financial services? Can people who do not have a record with local Financial services cannot get eKYC services?
The data was obtained from the national registry of Sierra Leone as they were designing the eKYC policies for the financial sector
[Kristina] what aspect is exactly "SSI"?
The components for the solution are Aries (was previously Indy) and the VC standard. Even though the individuals are not carrying the credentials on the phone, but they control/govern the access to those credentials for services being enabled. The next step would be to evolve to a mobile wallet.
[Eric Drury] How has the project dealt with different trust frameworks
[Bentley Farrington] What was the perception around the remote guardianship model for the wallets as opposed to them physically having their national ID cards? (Did they trust it? In context of the user perception of being used to physical cards)
On the ground perspective this was the most efficient way to achieve the outcomes. It would be cumbersome to carry around the credentials - the concept is complex due to the low digital literacy.
[Bart Suichies] I may have missed it, but what's in the wallet? Biometric information? Or credentials of another kind (to enable account authorization)?
The VCs - the individuals can provide consent for accepting the credentials. The biometrics are part of a separate service.
[Eric Welton] How were the wallets set up? What %age of a month’s average wage is a cell phone/smart device?
In the existing model the wallets were in Guardianship. The evolution to a mobile device is the next phase
[EricW] Were TEEs for smartphones considered?
Sidebar chat conversation around Tykn, DIDx etc
Sidebar chat remark from Nicky “Maybe we need to convene a low-tech SSI group to start comparing notes, identifying gaps, sharing research? is so essential to I4A mission”
[Ivan Temchenko] The users do not have the access to their wallets - the banks are the mediators between the users and the access. Is the full set of data being displayed or some limited/restricted view
The FSPs requirement drove the subset of fields in the VC and the requirements of the verifier were then considered when displaying the information. In the ongoing re-architecture - the verifying organization will set up the requirements for what they need.
[Mike Richardson] How are the credentials being issued?
APIs help source the required information from the national registry and Kiva is acting as a form proxy issuer on behalf of the government
How does the holder know that the identity data is correct and Kiva has not tampered with it?
[Rachel - could you respond to this later?]
How do you know when any of the credentials have actually changed? Async push+revoke+issue isn’t possible. How is the information kept current?
[Rachel - could you respond to this later?]
Mike - adding an expiration date?
How many users do you have so far and are there scale challenges?
Pre COVID-19 phase has had around 100+ eKYCs
[Phillipe] About putting guardianship on biometrics - have you looked at the possibility of a neutral independent body who can be the “Guardian”?
[Rachel] There were questions around the topic of ethics in terms of whether Kiva should hold these wallets. Ran into challenges of finding the right organization partner who has the capacity - technology and resources to be able to fill this role!
Is Kiva already a member of the Trust over IP Foundation
[Dave Luchuck responded]
Phillipe also presented short remarks around the Birth Attestation project.