4C/ Introduction to Picos
Introduction to Picos
Tuesday 4C
Convener: Phil Windley
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
IoT, digital twins, device shadows, Conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT), CSP over DIDcomm
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Pico is short for “Persistent Compute Objects.”
Why Picos
Persistent, personal, computational nodes → More individual autonomy
Computational node for anything: person, place, organization, smart thing, dumb thing, concept, even a pothole
Better, more scalable model for IoT → trillion node networks
Picos support social things and trustworthy spaces
Better sharing, more natural relationship-based interactions (borrow my truck, Fuse with two owners)
Substitutable hosting model → freedom of choice
pico mesh
Build the Intention Byway
(picos =? intentrons)
Use the self-sovereign internet
DIDComm-based channels
A better IoT
What are Picos?
“Pico” is a neologism for persistent compute objects.
Persistence is a core feature of how picos work.
Picos exhibit persistence in three ways:
Persistent identity—Picos exist, with a single identity, continuously from the moment of their creation until they are destroyed.
Persistent state—Picos have state that programs running in the pico can see and alter.
Persistent availability—Picos are always on and ready to process queries and events.
Pico Engine 1.0 released in January
https://picolabs.io Pico Labs
https://github.com/Picolab/ repos
https://picolabs.atlassian.net/wiki documentation
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/krl programming Q&A