4C/ Introduction to Picos

From IIW

Introduction to Picos

Tuesday 4C

Convener: Phil Windley


Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

IoT, digital twins, device shadows, Conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT), CSP over DIDcomm

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Pico is short for “Persistent Compute Objects.”

Why Picos

  • Persistent, personal, computational nodes → More individual autonomy

    • Computational node for anything: person, place, organization, smart thing, dumb thing, concept, even a pothole

  • Better, more scalable model for IoT → trillion node networks

    • Picos support social things and trustworthy spaces

    • Better sharing, more natural relationship-based interactions (borrow my truck, Fuse with two owners)

    • Scales

  • Substitutable hosting model → freedom of choice

    • pico mesh

  • Build the Intention Byway

    • (picos =? intentrons)

  • Use the self-sovereign internet

    • DIDComm-based channels

  • A better IoT

What are Picos?

  • “Pico” is a neologism for persistent compute objects.

  • Persistence is a core feature of how picos work.

  • Picos exhibit persistence in three ways:

    • Persistent identity—Picos exist, with a single identity, continuously from the moment of their creation until they are destroyed.

    • Persistent state—Picos have state that programs running in the pico can see and alter.

    • Persistent availability—Picos are always on and ready to process queries and events.

Pico Engine 1.0 released in January



https://picolabs.io Pico Labs

https://github.com/Picolab/ repos

https://picolabs.atlassian.net/wiki documentation

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/krl programming Q&A
