4B/ 101 Session: SSI and Decentralized Identity
SSI and Decentralized Identity (101 Session)
Tuesday 4B
Convener: Karyl Fowler @TheKaryl, Juan Caballero @by_caballero
Notes-taker(s): David Schmudde
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Two major tracks
Less Identity
Legally-enabled self-sovereign identity
Many governments want less data (e.g. so the post office doesn’t know your tax records)
Key characteristics:
Minimum disclosure
Full control
Necessary proofs
Trustless Identity
“Trust Minimized” identity
Key characteristics:
Web of Trust
Censorship resistance
Defend human rights vs. powerful actors
Most identity today is centralized identity
Federated identity bridges the silos
But masses more control through the provider your routing your ID through
Who owns your data and how can it be used? This varies based on geography. This is a fundamental problem on the internet.
Users can't control their data
Single points of failure are honeypots
Businesses don't want the liability of all the personal data to manage.
Data isn't very portable.
DID allows the individual to reassert control
Verifiable credentials: like files but with granular controls baked in. Like a "shipping container rather than a data silo
Universal resolvers: "mini-DNS" can function as local namespaces (or not)
Secure data storage: "lockers/vaults"
Verifiable credentials (VC): is a set of tamper-evident claims. They are more standardized than the myriad of different DIDs. Shipping is one example where VCs are used, where multiple people must sign off when receiving the correct cargo.
Framework for adoption
Is selective disclosure or privacy a priority?
Data infrastructure and governance
Cross referenced w/ a Day 2 Session on the Principles of SSI
Zoom Chat:
From Sergio Mello to Everyone: ...or you could use a smart card by Tangem ;-)
Karyl Fowler to Everyone: True^
From Ivan Temchenko to Everyone: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jolocomwallet
Karyl Fowler to Everyone: shameless demo plug re: Tangem and Transmute - https://nfc.did.ai/tangem From Sergio Mello to Everyone: more shameless promotion: get a free pack of Tangem SSI Beta cards.
From bengo to Everyone: Let the market decide the business model
From Markus Sabadello to Everyone: On the Internet, nobody knows Johannes is taking care of his dog…
From bengo to Everyone: podcast name?
Karyl Fowler to Everyone: This Machine Kills
From bengo to Everyone: (5:04 PM) ty
Karyl Fowler to Everyone: https://soundcloud.com/thismachinekillspod
From Dan Robertson (he/him) to Everyone: What's the name of "Alex's podcast" that was mentioned earlier? SSI MEETUP Alex Preukschat (it’s a video webinar series, technically)
Karyl Fowler to Everyone: https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/decentralized-identity-meetings-for-the-apac-region-7221b9aad29
From bengo to Everyone: https://mediciland.com is A ‘green field’ business model affecting places like Africa. The problem is... just because there is a business model there doesn’t mean it’s ethical. One country’s citizen’s international business model is another country’s inhabitant’s colonialism.
Karyl Fowler to Everyone: excellent point. another use case where ethics are of utmost consideration ahead of implementing Verifiable Credentials or DID tech in the current covid crisis: https://ethics.harvard.edu/immunity-certificates
From By_Caballero to Everyone: https://hackmd.io/t1cotiReTXCnkpDG8k2tVA