3B/ 101 Session: UMA - User Managed Access

From IIW

101 Session: UMA - User Managed Access

Tuesday 3B

Convener: Eve Maier and George Fletcher

Notes-taker(s):  George Fletcher

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

User-Managed Access (UMA) 101 George Fletcher, Kantara Initiative UMA Work Group


The UMA extension grant adds… docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/wg/rec-oauth-uma-grant-2.0.html

  • Party-to-party: Resource owner authorizes protected-resource access to clients used by requesting parties

  • Asynchronous: Resource owner interactions are asynchronous with respect to the authorization grant

  • Policies: Resource owner can configure an AS with rules (policy conditions) for the grant of access, vs. just authorize/deny

•Such configurations are outside UMA’s scope