2M/ vLEI Update and Progress / Karla McKenna
Session 1M
vLEI Update and Progress
Session Convener: Karla McKenna
Notes-taker(s): Karla McKenna
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Included plans to publish the 1.0 version of the vLEI Ecosystem Governance Framework, the addition of a new authorization vLEI credential type that organizations will use to authorize QVIs to issue and revoke vLEI Role Credentials, new and improved technical features used with and by the vLEI, the launch of the vLEI Issuer Qualification Program.
The topics of authority to act on behalf of an organization and governance were discussed. The scope of the governance what is covered by the vLEI was clarified and the governance that must be put in place and maintained by organizations, stakeholders and users of vLEIs was discussed in much detail.
A full deck of detailed slides from the session is posted with the notes.
Public Link: https://td2ec2in4mv1euwest.teamdrive.net/bqpcsfcc/public/nm3xLQTt?k=V966x6ZZyybokRaA5nhkYtDA4MU30OGV4_06Y2-9fGE