2L/ HELLO - WordPress / Dick + Marius

From IIW

Session 1L

Hello for WordPress

Session Convener: Dick Hardt at


Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:


  • # Hello # Coop

The Wordpress Plugin

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Dick did a clean install of a Wordpress instance and installed the plugin in one click. Plugin is in subversion directory now, but more easily found by clicking directly to it… https://wordpress.org/plugins/hello-login/.

The simplest easiest way to have Single Sign On from their centralized identity service, enabling developers and WP devs to easily have identity and authentication managed on their apps and sites.

Pulls in privacy policy of site to create a greater sense of trust.

The roles and access are still controlled from WP Admin

How does email verification work? Confirm with click on email string - Marius, please explain further

Demo of Greenfield Demo, signing in with Gmail as a default, then logged out, and logged back into siet with AppleID connected to the Hello id providing sign in to the app/site

“Hello is a cloud based wallet” - [https;//wallet.hello.coop/ https;//wallet.hello.coop/]

  • All your faves, plus everything else (as the co-op grows)
  • Choose a preferred provider and 2 recovery accounts in case you lose access to your preferred
  • It contains your profile photos from all connected accounts, and allows you to choose which pic to share with the site/app

BUSINESS MODEL: Charge fees on transactions that include making/sharing claims. No core access fees, so free plugin, free service until we deploy claims.

We do the interchange in the middle, serving individuals, and corporations - they do not compete with their corporate members.

Focus now is on developers, issuers charge for claims and can make money on it, Hello takes a small percentage of that.

Will you support next ver of OpenID? Yes, as it shakes out and is finalized.

The onboarding process is pretty easy, simplifies login primarily, and then the wallet

You don’t need to pick one particular sign on as a developer, with Hello, you can enable them all (well a lot today, more every month)

Reduces time to deployment by hours or perhaps longer. The devs don’t need to deal with the fragmented identities that exist all over the place, empowering users to choose how to represent themselves on dev’s site/app. “Harvest all your connected account profiles”

Expands the user options, instead of just seeing the ‘sign in with Google’ button.

Will user’s be able to offer/store additional information/claims about themselves, ‘self verified’ like my spouse is, my children are, etc…? They can and will be doing a lot more, such as bio for enabling a simpler migration to Mastodon. Also, “bring my network” in the future

Do you want to extend this to people who want to buy something or comment on the WP? Oauth as a service to the WP Blog.

Market fit case for setup author for login to wordpress - possible increase in security by having someone login with 2 credentials instead of just one. Obvious next step is gating access for being able to edit to the site.

As an employee, the enterprise owns your identity. - The org vs individual will be a battler for years to come… can we do something to bridge that gap? If you get enterprise adoption, its a way to get user rights in under the covers so to speak. Concern mentioned of squashing this from the top down…

Hello not necessarily an enterprise solution, but WP straddles that fence.

So many wallets. Grandma is just not going to do it, hard learning curve. (Dick - add more thoughts here, I couldn’t here you) Our approach is to use all the wallets as part of identity, to aggregate them. Won’t use something that they have to download… This solves for the QR code on your mobile phone for signing in.

Open Wallet Foundation.

New Features in Que:

Invite user to Hello from WPAdmin users screen

  • Adding GitHub, Twitter and others soon
  • “Bring my network” functionality broadly, specifically considering Mastodon implementation now

Future Demo

Add other stuff from different computer during demo

Discuss privacy policy / TOS UX again