2I/ Premature Interop/Standardization
Premature Interoperability/Standardization
Tuesday 2I
Convener: Darrell O’Donnell
Notes-taker(s): Darrell O’Donnell
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
PRESENTATION: https://continuumloop.s3.amazonaws.com/PrematureInterop-ContinuumLoop-Strategy-Standards-and-Interop.pdf
Other notes:
Last IIW called -> WACI-PEx "killer whale jello salad"
A place for Aries to go
GoodHealthPass - some examples of conformance.
DID formal objections raised by Google, Apple, Mozilla
Canadian Government had a good starting project on interoperability
Suggestion for interoperability profiles.
It might be good to have interoperability working before going to standards (such as W3C).
General feeling that things are going in the right direction - there are no proprietary guard rails going up.