2E/ OpenID Connect 4 SSI
Open ID Connect for SSI
Tuesday 2E
Convener: Kristina Yasuda, Torsten Lodderstedt
Notes-taker(s): Andrew Hughes
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
SSI, OpenID Connect, VCs
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Presentation here:
Torsten explains the rationale for OIDC for SSI
Simplicity is a key success factor
The components:
SIOP v2 (Self issued OP)
OIDC for VP (for presentation
Claims aggregation (issuance)
This part of the presentation focuses on SIOP v2
Comparison of typical OIDC flow vs SIOP flow - example is SIOP as Native app on mobile device
Trust model requires Trust on First Use for the RP - no prior awareness
Same-device and cross-device SIOP behave slightly differently - different controls and information are available in each mode
Kyle Den Hartog To Everyone, 12:54:23 PM
I noticed the self issued identifiers work isn’t mentioned here. Is that being delayed at this point while these work items move forward?
Kristina Yasuda (US) To Everyone, 12:54:45 PM
which draft do you have in mind?
Kyle Den Hartog To Everyone, 12:54:53 PM
That’s the only one I could find
Note that Form POST and redirect are not possible cross-device
Note that the sub: in response is critical to the SIOP model
If you need to assert 3rd party attested claims, OIDC4VP comes into play
DIF PE is a rich syntax
Note the “claims”: this structure is new
“Presentation_definition” is a result of lots of discussion with DIF PE wg
The example is out of date…
On device: https://youtu.be/gDg2ma7TwWU
Cross device: https://youtu.be/hC3VQE-vMnQ
Implementors feedback requested:
In the prototype, anoncreds were used - to show that W3C VC is not mandatory
Q: what’s the history of rolling self-issued identifiers into SIOP?
Thinking about replacing the sub identifiers that are scoped to the OP in a way that allows it to be globally unique to allow migration of identifiers to other OPs
A: Portable Identifiers (abandoned draft) - allowed traditional OPs to assert sub values that are ‘portable’ under user’s control. Was abandoned because WG didn’t see a use case
Is the question about normal OPs? Or SIOP OPs?
Primary case would be to migrate from Login with xxx to a SIOP
But sounds like focus on VP first then if portable identifiers turn out to be useful then work on that
Q: in the OIDC4VP req-res example slide
The response sub: does not have to match the did in the Response VP (verificationMethod)
Q: is it theoretically possible to implement SIOP as a hosted service e.g. hosted wallets?
A: a limiting factor is use of custom scheme
But use cases do exist
Q: is SIOP focused mainly on same-device flows?
A: Look at the PARM PR
Also security considerations are very different between same/cross device
SIOP is optimized for the situation where the OP cannot receive connections
Zoom chat (edited):
09:48:56 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
@Paul - https://github.com/microsoft/VerifiableCredential-SDK-Android
09:49:04 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
09:49:42 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
it's open for transparency, but please do not take dependency, we might be introducing breaking changes
09:54:23 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
I noticed the self issued identifiers work isn’t mentioned here. Is that being delayed at this point while these work items move forward?
09:54:45 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
which draft do you have in mind?
09:54:53 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
09:54:58 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
That’s the only one I could find
10:03:27 From Markus Sabadello to Everyone:
The nonce doesn't match here?
10:06:28 From Torsten Lodderstedt1 to Everyone:
correct. Thanks for pointing out.
10:11:40 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
nonce in VP token and ID Token?
10:11:51 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
Nonce in the request and response
10:12:01 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
For the SIOP example
10:12:09 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
it did not match in the example? oops, it should, pardon
10:12:50 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
Was the subject did in the response supposed to match the client_id as well? I wasn’t sure about that part
10:14:00 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
sub in the response is user DID. aud matches redirect_uri of the RP
10:15:36 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
iss (who is issuing the ID Token) - self-issued aka SIOP
sub (about whom ID Token is issued) - holder DID
aud (intended recipient of the ID Token) - verifier RP's identifier (redirect_uri)
10:16:06 From Dirk Balfanz to Everyone:
In OIC, normally the Issuer signs the ID Token. I assume this isn’t the case here? Is the subject (which is a DID, so it has a signing key) signing the ID token instead?
10:17:12 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
yes, ID Token is self-attested, signed by the user controlled key material (JWK thumbprint or DID), hence self-issued flow
10:17:41 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
@kyle, re self-issued identifier draft, it has been absorbed into SIOP spec
10:17:43 From Dick Hardt to Everyone:
Please post demo links to chat
10:18:01 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
On device: https://youtu.be/gDg2ma7TwWU
10:18:07 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
Cross device: https://youtu.be/hC3VQE-vMnQ
10:18:24 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
Ahh ok that makes sense - is the general assumption that current OIDC providers won’t want self issued identifiers?
10:18:37 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
10:19:05 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
One of the things I was thinking might be done is the current OPs add support for self issued identifiers which then allow for migration between OPs including migrating to a SIOP provider
10:19:06 From David Waite to Everyone:
Dirk: SIOP is self-asserted authentication and self-asserted claims. Verifiable Presentations enable us to also present third party claims
10:19:50 From Dick Hardt to Everyone:
I scanned the QR code that was shown, and the MS Authenticator app was loaded on iOS. Hmmm!
10:20:06 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
migration is another interesting topic. I would assume SIOP and 3P OPs will co-exist depending on a use-case for a certain period - given we get ISOP correctl
10:20:07 From David Waite to Everyone:
Formerly if you wanted claims by a particular party, you typically had to SSO directly with them.
10:20:37 From David Waite to Everyone:
Dick the wonder of the openid:// uri scheme 😄
10:20:45 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
SIOP discovery on iOS is the known issue - why we recommend universal links in the spec
10:20:46 From Vittorio Bertocci to Everyone:
"for a certain periond"? Do you expect SIOP to replace existing tech?
10:20:58 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
Yup agree with that assessment
10:21:32 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
Android, allows wallet selection even among same custom schemas
10:22:52 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
-05 https://openid.bitbucket.io/connect/openid-connect-4-verifiable-presentations-1_0.html
10:23:55 From Markus Sabadello to Everyone:
Anoncreds over OIDC? wow!
10:23:59 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
thank you PE for allowing to request not just VCs, but also anon creds is the trick here I guess
10:29:12 From Ivan Basart to Everyone:
Please, don’t forget to share the ppt! Is a great presentation :)
10:29:27 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
10:31:15 From Oliver Terbu to Everyone:
imo, they do not necessarily have to match
10:31:47 From Kristina Yasuda (US) to Everyone:
the examples in the one above are a little outdated - will put a link to an updated one in the slides to the updated one
10:32:18 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
You could use the subject did in the ID Token as a communication did, where as the verificationMethod is a persistent did used for different personas
10:32:33 From Kyle Den Hartog to Everyone:
The separation allows for crossing personas if needed
10:32:41 From Oliver Terbu to Everyone:
in case VCs have DIDs (pairwise), and one want to have a pairwise DID per RP, then all DIDs don’t have to match. sure, it will at least those DIDs but would preserve privacy in case you don’t use bbs+ w/ privacy-preserving holder binding
10:34:25 From Markus Sabadello to Everyone:
Thanks, makes sense