2C/ godiddy.com - Universal DID Services
godiddy.com Universal DID Services
Tuesday 2C
Convener: Markus Sabadello
Notes-taker(s): Jan Christoph Ebersbach
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
SaaS, Wallet, DID
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Centralized service that shouldn’t be used to host security sensitive DIDs, it contradicts the principle of self-sovereignty. The service is meant for developers to try out the technology.
Godiddy is a service that hosts the community components universal resolver and registrar + additional proprietary components so that it offers a comprehensive DID service for creating and managing DIDs across multiple methods.
How robust is the service on bad network connections? Markus: There are github issues concerning TTL in the DID spec WG. Self-hosting is likely to be a better option than using the centralized service.
Feature Grid with future ideas: https://docs.godiddy.com/en/feature-grid
Key Management: When keys are created they are stored in the wallet and are returned to the client. This is not ideal from a security point of view. An improved API is planned that would allow clients to keep the private key on the client and use the service to create for example the DID Document -> this is also part of the next session.