2C/ Neural Science of Persuasion
Neural Science of Persuasion
Session: Tuesday 2C
Convener: Nathan Schor, nathan@rcsm.io
Notes-taker(s): Nathan Schor
Tags for the session- technology discussed/ideas considered:
neuroscience, persuasion, marketing, sales, negotiating, startups
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
More has been discovered about the brain in the last decade than in all history. The session discussed applying findings from Neural Science, Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Economics to improve two skills vital for commercial success – communicating persuasively and earning customer traction.
Drawing from the work of Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, Influence: Science and Practice (Robert B. Cialdini), and Start with Why (Simon Sinek), we discussed how those disciplines have much to say about why humans approach certain offers, while avoiding others.
Simon Sinek – Why His Work Matters to Startups – Sinek’s seminal marketing insight defines the criterion for distinguishing messaging that earns customer’s attention from those which don’t, making it highly useful to startup teams.
Understanding Consideration Sets Vital for Startup Success – Like energy in physics, DNA in biology or functions in math, a Consideration Set is foundational in modern marketing. Properly fabricated, it results in another concept vital for commercial success – Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Far too many startups do not give these dual principles the attention they deserve.
Background On The Neural Science Classes – A one-page document describing the Influence Others meetup which applies findings from Neural Science, Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Economics to improve startup teams with two skills vital for their commercial success – communicating persuasively and earning customer traction.