2A/ Human Rights Impact of Identity Protocols
Human Rights Impact of Identity Protocols
Tuesday 2A
Convener: Adrian Gropper
Notes-taker(s): Adrian Gropper
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Human Rights Issue:
How is the efficiency of digital identity going to impact human rights?
Rental applications streamlining - diversity of tenants - forced disclosure and credential design flexibility -
NeonID - Everybody’s avatar - personality science - based on test - broadcast as with profile photo but also an invisibility cloak - advertisers pay - “test can tell” + behavioral data
India DigiLocker provided by gov - is gov the owner? How do I avoid intermediaries owning our identity
Need contextual silos - loss of control over our presentation - business model concerns - reputation -
Information Bank creator: Nobody has published human rights as a semantic ontology - human factors have been set aside - curate your own AI agent to limit (TH: nb - https://medium.com/webcivics )
distortions - psy ops - use the courts -
Need a guideline - preservation of human rights - responsibility -
Interface between communication needs RDF - a fabric - needs legal interpretation?
Social threats to an individual
Efficiency vs. Sabotage
A “fabric” of related and unrelated contexts -
Quality, quantity, context,
Each digital twin produces their own ontology
The semantics opportunity for confusion / error and too much data
Who decides? Who decides who decides? on the linked data ontology
What is the efficiency vector
Efficiency tends to be brittle
The trap of efficiency is we sacrifice other things
Sustainability is important - vs. efficiency
Ensuring that people have a rich enough digital identity - not too black and white - as in credit scoring income assessment - diversity of expression
Business process integration becomes a problem - talk to a human being is good
Ontology vs. decision making does not have to exclude human decision making
What are possible mitigations to this at the protocol level?
Delegation - is it fundamental as in the law of agency -
Separate from guardianship
Biometrics - added - as in passive facial recognition -
Linkage of possession to control
Onboard plastic and paper credentials -
ACDC - Authentic data / post VC /