24M/ An Open-Source SDK Approach To Build a Mobile Wallet

From IIW

An Open-Source SDK Approach To Build a Mobile Wallet

Thursday 24M

Convener: Horacio Nunez

Notes-taker(s): Trent Larson

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Showed video of mobile wallet from Kiva.

- provides an iframe to insert code easily into legacy websites

Open Source Aries Frameworks from earlier IIW XXXI talk.

Horacio showed how they hoped to organize the code so that it's very readable and debuggable.

Q: With a use-case where people start their experience on a mobile browser, a new app pops up to ask them to sign which can be confusing. Thoughts?

- Apple is introducing AppClips

- Another way would be to show the web page embedded inside the app.

Everyone's making their own wallet app. Someday we'll probably have 3-4; for now we have dozens or hundreds and that's OK while we learn best practices.

Findy wallet connection chatbot.