24H/ KERI and ADS Key State Provenance Logs Kumbaya (KEL and ADPL)

From IIW

KERI & ADS Key State Provenance Logs Kumbaya (KEL & ADPL)

Thursday 24H

Convener: Sam Smith & Dave Huseby

Notes-taker(s):  Dave Huseby

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

This was a meeting of the minds between myself and Sam Smith and Adrian Gropper that was hugely successful. We all decided to use the term "endorser" for what we all called "registrar"/"witness"/"notary". We also realized that the KERI proposal for encoding is good enough for authentic data provenance logs and we will be using the KERI encoding. Sam has modified the spec for KERI key event logs to include scripting capabilities needed in the authentic data economy for doing things like cross-chain atomic swaps for selling non-fungible authentic data (NFADs).

The result is that there is grand convergence on the encoding and file format for key event provenance logs that will be supported by both KERI networks and the broader authentic data economy.