22L/ ACA-Pico make your own Aries Cloud Agent (point & click. no coding!)

From IIW

ACA-Pico: make your own Aries Cloud Agent

Thursday 22L

Convener: Bruce Conrad

Notes-taker(s): convener and volunteers (name yourselves, please)

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Picos, Aries agents, Manifold, ACA-Pico

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Those in attendance are invited to follow these steps to make their own Aries Cloud Agent using ACA-Pico.

  1. Sign in to manifold.picolabs.io

  2. Click on “+ Add Thing” (near upper-right corner)

  3. Provide a name for your new thing, then click “Create Thing”

  4. Notice a card representing your new thing (can be moved around)

  5. Click on the gear (near upper-right corner of the card)

  6. In the popup menu, click on “Install an App”

  7. Select the ruleset named “io.picolabs.manifold_cloud_agent” then click “Install it”

  8. Notice the app is represented by the Aries logo at the bottom of the card

  9. Click on the Aries logo/button

  10. Click on “Enable Connections”

  11. Notice that an “Action” button appears

  12. But first, click on “Open Card” (a doorway icon near the gear) to have more room

  13. Connect with other people in the session by sharing invitations out of band

Help, comments, and explanations will be offered while this is being done.

I’m open to a deep dive afterwards, and any who wish to leave with their Aries Cloud Agents may do so.

Five or six people attended, and most or almost all of them created an Aries Cloud Agent using Manifold (an “agency” as Dev pointed out) with it’s point and click interaction.

Many questions were asked (and answered) as we dove deeper into the architecture of Manifold and picos. We at Pico Labs are always delighted to provide this kind of guided tour through our open source code. We also welcome pull requests as you see improvements.

Many thanks to all who participated in this session!

Readers who find these session notes in the conference proceedings are hereby invited to acquire their own Aries Cloud Agent by following the 12 steps above. When you have questions, please feel free to email bruce_conrad@byu.edu for answers and/or guidance.