21M/ Humanizing PoSSI- Human-centric structure of the Principles of SSI
Humanizing PoSSI- Human-Centric Structure of the Principles of SSI
Thursday 21M
Convener: Line Kofoed
Notes-taker(s): Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Principles of SSI
Self-sovereign identity
Governance framework
Human-centric perspective
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
[Line] Welcome and introductions; background information around how this topic is important to discuss.
Principles of SSI - https://sovrin.org/principles-of-ssi/
Sovrin Foundation is working on Sovrin Utility GF and the Sovrin Ecosystem GF
Work on the SEGF led to reviewing how we define an ecosystem (see slide for definition) → identity ecosystem for identity services
The approach to grouping the 12 principles from a human-centric perspective is intended to enable better understanding as digital trust ecosystems grow
Ecosystem of ecosystems will need a foundational set of values and principles and the PoSSI
The existing 12 principles are left intact and undivided as intended.
They are all relevant, each is necessary and all should be used together.
Grouped from a human-centric principle however the list will help understand why “identity for all” is a problem. The risk of lack of human agency (ability to act), control and protection is mitigated with adherence to self-sovereign principles for digital identity.
[Sterre] It is good to have the order of the principles to help better understanding
[Drummond] additional supplementary material to help laypersons understand the PoSSI better
[Alex] is the original sequence/numbering sufficient and complete?
[Line] the sequence might change in some instances for better coherence.
[Chris] the grouping is more important for the SEGF
Please join Sovrin meetings
Additional comments to provide context to the approach and topic - The grouping of the Principles of SSI is intended to help digital trust ecosystems adopt the entire set of principles. This approach also enables the Sovrin Foundation to be very transparent about the Principles of SSI and make it easily understood by laypersons. The principles are grouped in a manner that the logical connection between each principle is natural and well understood. The ‘humanizing’ aspect of this approach is to present the human/individual at the center of all technology conversations related to SSI. This is also seen in the principle of representation.
21:25:26 From sankarshan to Everyone : https://docs.google.com/document/d/16RKq9hyN0zvmWEGUDSxX2Zz6OOQWyjqTUXMMlK-ZYEo/
21:34:48 From sankarshan to Everyone : https://sovrin.org/principles-of-ssi/ - Principles of SSI (PoSSI)
21:46:29 From Drummond Reed to Everyone : I definitely like this grouping of the 12 principles into these 3 categories
21:48:07 From sankarshan to Everyone : The Sovrin Ecosystem Governance Framework meets on Mondays - please see https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/zoom%40sovrin.org/public/basic.ics we are looking for more input, participation and feedback
21:49:45 From Sterre den Breeijen to Everyone : yes, for example transparency is important in guardianship
21:52:30 From Drummond Reed to Everyone : +1 to a paper in which each principle gets a one pager
22:06:57 From Drummond Reed to Everyone : "A Layperson's Introduction to the Principles of SSI" <== YES!
22:07:21 From Drummond Reed to Everyone : Wow, what a slide!
22:07:52 From Celia Yeung to Everyone : +1 and I'm happy to work with this group to create the one-pagers :)
22:08:22 From sankarshan to Everyone : @Drummond - the framework which has been helping in placing the bouquet of documents making up the GF
22:11:59 From Sterre den Breeijen to Everyone : Nice work done by this team! I have to drop off now. Good luck with the discussions