21G/ Mapping Verifiable Credentials to Hierarchical Identification and Declaration

From IIW

Mapping Verifiable Credentials to Hierarchical Identification and Declaration

Thursday 21G

Convener: Kevin Dean, GS1


Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Kevin Dean Summary from Opening Circle:

This session presents on mapping Verifiable Credentials to hierarchical identification and declaration. This session is less of a nuts and bolts discussion and more about the challenges of taking the Verifiable Credentials framework and applying it to an existing identification system and the data associated with those identifiers.

Presentation here: https://gs1go365-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/kevin_dean_gs1_org/EbJGrFAo6DpNgBCXnheyZCoBpCMY7sAEK-UQQVdYiyo2zA?e=qYIWl3