20K/ Digital Identity with LEIs: Update on the Verifiable LEI (vLEI)
Digital Identity with LEIs - Update on the Verifiable LEI (vLEI)
Thursday 20K
Convener: Karla McKenna, Christoph Schneider
Notes-taker(s): Christoph Schneider
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
The session will cover the use case for the verifiable LEI (vLEI) to provide decentralized identification and verification for organizations as well as the persons who represent their organizations either in official or functional roles, the vLEI Chain of Trust and vLEI Credentials as well as the approach to delivering the vLEI Ecosystem and Infrastructure using an interoperable and technically agnostic solution.
Slide deck: https://github.com/WebOfTrust/vLEI/blob/main/docs/2021-10-12_Update-vLEI-IIW_v1.1_final.pdf