20A/JSON Web Proofs - JWTs with Superpowers
JSON Web Proofs - JWTs with Superpowers
Thursday 20A
Convener: David Waite
Notes-taker(s): Andrew Hughes
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Github: https://github.com/json-web-proofs/json-web-proofs
DIF Applied Crypto Slack: https://difdn.slack.com/archives/C021JUSRXC0
40+ attendees
Work happening at DIF
Screen shots of slides follow - go to the github link above to get updated versions
Supports a wide array of algos
DIF group = Applied Crypto WG
IETF has their own crypto tech research group
JSON Proof algorithms - defines the primitives needed for the algos
Top layer - a realization of how to use the system
Similar to JWS - but has multiple payloads
Can omit payloads
The issuer metadata defines how the right side should be interpreted
Q: is the jwks normative? Wonders about the presence of the token-payloads
A: not finalized yet - need some level of metadata in there
Q: is the token-payload an ordered list? A: yes
Q: The threat model makes sense (of not wanting to leak # of claims etc), but doesn't the token-payloads property do that?
A: yes - to the same degree that a particular kid at a particular issuer does
When doing selective disclosure & reveal some and hide others - the proof value itself will include randomized proofs of each value whether or not it’s revealed
Q: What’s the strategy for preventing a holder generating a JWP and handing it to another person who presents it on their behalf?
A: a bit out of scope. But it comes down to the binding at issuance. The JWP is created by the Issuer - to it’s their level of assurance/binding - hardware bound? Software bound? If the issuer gets a hardware attestation, then there’ stronger prevention for private key sharing. If private key in software there’s not much to prevent.
A: could emit several VCs, some of which are strongly bound
Q: most zkSnarks require a trusted third party - who is that in this case?
A: it will be part of the algo - e.g. if you use this algo, you need a ‘trusted setup’ - might be the trust framework.
Q: if have zkSnarks, why support selective disclosure? SD just slows down the rate at which people find out your data. All the privacy attacks boil down to a verifier being able to arbitrarily choose the challenge. Sees no projects that define what a challenge is - and force a verifer to commit to what kind of challenge must be. Verifier could ue a “20 questions” attack. Selective disclosure allows fingerprinting holders so they can be tracked between presentations. Humans won’t be able to monitor the challenge-responses fingerprinting. Need a commitment by a verifier in the form of a verifiable computation. So holder can check their verifiable computation in advance. Arbitrary challenges formed by the verifier is a chosen text attack on privacy.
A: Presentation exchange is the problem, not selective disclosure. However JWP is the container - not the policy of how the interaction works.
@David Huseby: I 100% agree, and it's not been addressed anywhere yet: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/presentation-exchange/issues/204
Q; interesting - if i codify my privacy policy about my need for specific data - is there a legal binding at the protocol level? Verifiers need to define their data requirement and and the data use policy - should we push this into the protocol? No. But verifiers should have to codify it into machine readable.
Q: Could I think JSON + JWP as a kind of simpler alternative of JSON-LD + LD-Proof?
For me it looks like: JSON + JWP === JSON-LD + LD-Proof - LD*
(*: data linking feature with complex RDF things...)
A: Dan: yes, that is a goal, both a simpler alternative but also one that supports a wider range of capabilities
Q: Responding to statement that people are not aware of algo properties and consequences. Please all educate each other - we need to increase ‘known’ stuff.
In the work - we are working out the proper layering. There will be more situations that will need more knowledge about the choices implications/consequences to avoid problems.
Q: strongly don’t disagree ;-)
Highly encourage joining the Applied Crypto slack and mailing lists - good discussions
Q; about binding, its an open research question - no final answers yet. Can use verifiable computations to do deciding functions to avoid having to share private data _ever_
Want’s to hear about the research
There’s a tacit assumption that for humans a biometric will be sent along with the selected disclosure - e.g. a photo along with covid certificate
We will need to tie the hands of the verifiers so that they must reveal their business logic
Huesby wrote an essay in the Applied Crypto chat :-)
DIF Applied Crypto Slack: https://difdn.slack.com/archives/C021JUSRXC0
Q: isn’t this the point of Presentation Exchange? RP telling Holders what they want to receive in the presentation? It’s hard to get down to a single set of expressions due to the broad range of requirements. Eventually PE will include the ability to state that a presentation must conform to a specific trust framework or specification.
A: Yes - that’s exactly the thing.
A: envision that a credential request could be the equivalent of a Swagger/OpenAPI document
Q: Where is the use case for using the signature scheme- what’s the added value to the existing schemes?
A: The approach combines the selective disclosure and the unlinkability - to ensure that nothing in the container makes it easy to introduce linkability. Also to easily drop in different signature algos. So they can all use the same container format - just like JOSE patterns do - same approach.
Q: Was in the UProve TAG - experience with integrating it for application layer. Didn’t need new specs/formats. What’s the pitch/justification/need for a new format?
A: One objective is to support multi-use credentials. This allows the Holder to present multiple time to multiple audiences - without causing linkability by default.
Current view is that thi can’t be achieved by existing JOSE specs.