1K/ Digital Identity with LEIs - Update on the Verifiable LEI (vLEI)
Digital Identity with LEIs - Update on the Verifiable LEI (vLEI)
Tuesday 1K
Convener: Karla McKenn, Christoph Schneider
Notes-taker(s): Andrew Hughes
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Slide deck: https://github.com/WebOfTrust/vLEI/blob/main/docs/2021-10-12_Update-vLEI-IIW_v1.1_final.pdf
Overview of vLEI progress from GLEIF
Presently LEI require manual verification - vLEI is an attempt to use decentralized identification and verification instead
vLEI represents Organization/Legal entity & Person & Role
Waiting for ISO 5009 to be published - Financial Services - Official Organizational Roles
LEI Issuers can be any organization that passes the qualifications - not just financial institutions or governments - e.g. Bloomberg, Corporate Registries, banks, etc
Generally attempting to set up a similar governance structure for vLEI Issuers
Have worked with TOIP to develop initial versions of the ecosystem governance framework
Pilots start 4Q2021
GS1 comments - GS1 Identifier is very similar to GLEIF/vLEI - doing their own POC and moving forward
Question about the data model used - seeking to share code and models
Deeper dive will happen in Session 2K
Self-Addressing IDentifier (SAID)
Verifiable Credential chaining spec - VC spec variant
Lots of the work is happening in the TOIP ACDC WG
vLEI is based on KERI for key management infrastructure
Look for more KERI sessions this IIW
Key Event Receipt Infrastructure ( https://Keri.one <— everything about KERI )
Provenances the key state
Provenance logs - Witwicki session today
Cryptographic root of trust then all changes to key state are visible
Duplicity-evident key state (to determine if there’s duplicity in the key state for any Identifier)
vLEI governance includes specification of how entities are managing their keys - and KERI allows visibility
Discussion about security perceptions about SSI - must put security first
GLEIF has been working ‘security-first’
Note: German government weak security article in Der Spiegel today - not good for the overall ecosystem
https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/apps/id-wallet-was-nach-dem-fehlstart-mit-dem-digitalen-fuehrerschein-passiert-a-f4bc10bc-08ab-42b4-9325-5de5cdc66e05Should have interoperable security before interoperability semantics
A problem is that we have many security models - and they are not necessarily compatible
The security model should be transparent and inspectable
Self-addressing Identifier
If all the major parts of a VC are labeled with a SAID then if any part of that VC are changed, then it’s detectable.
SAID is content-addressable identifier for VC (so changes to content are obvious)
SAID is embedded and bound to the VC content - guarantees no-tamper
And now, the reasoning about SAIDs does not rely on the content of the VC - you can work with the SAIDs - like “hidden signatures” in Ricardian Contract literature
THis allows the existence of “chained credentials” - hash chained data structure
Means that an ACDC is a fragment of a tree of credentials - which can be assembled into a graph of credentials - and allows reasoning on the graph
Privacy - who participates in an exchange (i.e. metadata exposure)
Confidentiality - what was exchanged
Can protect confidentiality with strong legal guarantees
The SAID allows chaining/binding to any legal constraints (boilerplate and contract text)
Allows high authenticity and high confidentiality