1H/ Building a Hyperledger Indy Network - Questions, discussion, etc.

From IIW

Building a Hyperledger Indy Network - Questions, Discussion, Etc.

Tuesday 1H

Convener: Lynn Bendixsen (Indicio)

Notes-taker(s): Gary de Beer, Lynn Bendixsen, Video Recording, Slides

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Hyperledger Indy, Network

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Slides link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit#slide=id.p1

Lynn did an overview of slide 3 with some great input from Paul Bastian and then opened it up for questions/comments. Questions/discussions included:

Where does discussing/determining standards belong in the flowchart?

Suggestion: Add creating different types of Networks to the flowchart (testnet,stagingnet, mainnet, etc.)

Discussed cross Indy Network compatibility. It ‘should’ work but there seems a requirement that Verifiers would need to support/connect to any network they chose to allow holders to present credentials from.
Governances issues: What if an Issuer did was ‘fake’ ledgered on a different network to impersonate them?

When will we upgrade Indy networks past 16.04 which is EOL at end of the month? (Soon, within the next few months. Upgrade will go straight to 20.04. Exact date unknown, no current contingency plans exist for nodes that “expire” support before the upgrade)

When do we talk about scalability? Are Indy networks scalable enough for my needs? (Lots of time was spent discussing this topic at various points in the meeting.)

Links to guides for creating your own Indy network:

High level:


Technical details (implementation):
