1G/ Citizen precinct voting, data, & comms w/SSI
Citizen precinct voting, data, & comms w/SSI
Tuesday 1G
Convener: Kent Bull
Notes-taker(s): Kent Bull, Trent Larson
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
SSI libraries
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Proposed flow:
Get a voucher from the party.
Attendees with a voucher are able to cast a ballot in the meeting.
They may use their voucher to attend the meeting.
Started out planning for AGPL to enforce sharing, but Nathan recommended Apache 2.
Companies won’t touch AGPL. Choose a license that allows for companies to expand it with respect for copyright & patents.
The benefits of building adoption & network is more important than forcing code sharing.
Talk about voting with:
Dave Hughesby
Brian Behlendorf - Board of EFF & Mozilla Foundation, experience with licensing
Other players:
Kent talked with BigPulse about blockchain but they’re not interested.
Votaz is built on Hyperledger Fabric, and Kent doesn’t trust that for voting: only the CA nodes can generate keys, and Fabric requires that only the CA can allow key generation/management.
Kent told a story of how a particular Utah party vote was counted by a selected politician’s friends.