1G/ Citizen precinct voting, data, & comms w/SSI

From IIW

Citizen precinct voting, data, & comms w/SSI

Tuesday 1G

Convener: Kent Bull

Notes-taker(s): Kent Bull, Trent Larson

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

SSI libraries

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Proposed flow:

  • Get a voucher from the party.

  • Attendees with a voucher are able to cast a ballot in the meeting.

    • They may use their voucher to attend the meeting.

Started out planning for AGPL to enforce sharing, but Nathan recommended Apache 2.

  • Companies won’t touch AGPL. Choose a license that allows for companies to expand it with respect for copyright & patents.

  • The benefits of building adoption & network is more important than forcing code sharing.

Talk about voting with:

  • Dave Hughesby

  • Brian Behlendorf - Board of EFF & Mozilla Foundation, experience with licensing

Other players:

  • Kent talked with BigPulse about blockchain but they’re not interested.

  • Votaz is built on Hyperledger Fabric, and Kent doesn’t trust that for voting: only the CA nodes can generate keys, and Fabric requires that only the CA can allow key generation/management.

Kent told a story of how a particular Utah party vote was counted by a selected politician’s friends.