1D/ Human-Centered Interoperability: Gold Button
Human Centred Interoperability
Tuesday 1D
Convener: Chris Lee & Adrian Gropper
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Showed video of Golden Button https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bs876wqqdzkclxm/AABp_SYpZAhFqG2gdtWlsDSba?dl=0
Based on an agent rather than wallet model:
Discovery includes context, applies intelligence to evaluate policies and make risk-based decision on trust
Exception management?
Exception when policies don’t match results in text message from Agent
Where the relying party doesn’t want to honour the token e.g. for compliance reasons.
Session tomorrow on authorisation - technical session GNAP, UMA, ZCAPS. OAuth2 is a problem meaning that UMA is superseded. GNAP is a successor to OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect.
- Looking for the minimum bundle of standards that are good for a transport badge.
Privacy preserving - Zena principle, from anonymous to pseudonymous to legal identification, which can be pulled back.
Use of Notary (keeps a log of transactions in the wallet which enable emergency audit) in case of need.
Not just policies that you inherit but also information fiduciaries who help your agent form policies for you.