14H/ Realistically speaking: Identity reclamation/solutions for normies

From IIW

Realistically Speaking: Identity Reclamation/Solutions For Normies

Wednesday 14H

Convener: Grace Rachmany

Notes-taker(s): Grace Rachmany

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

- What is the right balance between ease of use and identity, and how we use that in real life

- Idea of how do we even get our identity back from where it’s stored

- Current tradeoff for privacy is solutions that are barely usable (Duckduckgo, SSB)

- Real versus online world,

- Focused on the idea of context for each thing

- Lively debate about the nature of reality versus virtuality

- Discussion of whether corporate ownership of data is “data assault” and that the term data theft might be too mild.