14B/ UX: continuing the mid-2021 IIW UX conversation
UX: Continuing the Mid-2021 IIW UX Conversation
Wednesday 14B
Convener: Phil Wolff
Notes-taker(s): Phil Wolff
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
UX Design, UX, Design,
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Ongoing concerns with user experience in our space?
- 1 Consent overwhelm.
- 2 No common (and simple) spoken language for talking about this stuff: identification, consent, governance, authorization, human relationships, cloud systems graphs, safety, security, privacy, human identity proofing (KYC), service/entity identity proofing, etc.
- 3 No common visual language for this stuff.
- 4 Missing screenless experiences. No common audible/sonified design language.
- 5 Access: accessibility, internationalization, localization.
- 6 No designing to protect against antipatterns.
- 7 Going Forward
Consent overwhelm.
There are going to be 10^x consents for humans and other entities to manage daily. Hourly. Current UX is for consent behavior, one at a time. Cognitive overwhelm means your consent is isn’t meaningful in life or in law.
No common (and simple) spoken language for talking about this stuff: identification, consent, governance, authorization, human relationships, cloud systems graphs, safety, security, privacy, human identity proofing (KYC), service/entity identity proofing, etc.
These areas have many common interactions, nouns and verbs, and a gazillion ways they are named, used, represented. Confusion is harmful to onboarding, usability, churn, error rates, etc.
No common visual language for this stuff.
“VCR” Play buttons go back to reel-to-reel sound recorders. We still use them for linear streams that can be played.
What is the visual language we can all use for the common interactions in all our spatial designs?
Missing screenless experiences. No common audible/sonified design language.
Many connected devices don’t have screens. A pacemaker or streetlight or Alexa can have a rich identity but no screens. How do we enable spoken and “gestural” conversations via
Access: accessibility, internationalization, localization.
No designing to protect against antipatterns.
Going Forward
Don’t prematurely standardize. Keep doing UI for specific use cases.
Hashtag #SSIdesign
Chris Butler - thought about this paper after the fact but wanted to leave it here for people: Against Notice Skepticism In Privacy (And Elsewhere)