13I/ State of the DAO: Decentralized Governance
State of the DAO: Decentralized Governance
Wednesday 13I
Convener: Grace Rachmany
Notes-taker(s): Grace Rachmany & Chat Thread
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
DAO, Governance, Cryptocurrency, Democracy
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
DAO migration from voting to more collaborative tools but look more like an elance platform than a government
Not very bizarre, Oligarchy
Bizarre phenomenon of producers of money not having money
Predictable phenomenon of tech platforms that have no market because we threw so much money at it.
Value-backed protocols and ambitiousness of Holo, in particular the interesting model of having an open source project owning a for-profit company
Moved into the idea of flows rather than objects which
Reputation as a form of communication
Crypto projects that use DAO:
MakerDAO / DAI