13H/ ToIP Interoperability Profiles (TIPs)

From IIW

ToIP Interoperability Profiles

Wednesday 13H

Convener: Drummond Reed (for Dan Gisolfi and Darrell O’Donnell)

Notes-taker(s): David Luchuk

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Session called by ToIP Technology Stack Working Group to discuss recent announcement - first ToIP Interoperability Profile (TIP)

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Link to the ToIP Foundation blog post.[1]

Link to the slide deck from the ToIP Technical Stack Working Group [2](see especially slides 11-14).

Trust over IP [3]- evolving concepts and applications of a dual (human and technical) stack that has four layers - Utilities, Peer-to-Peer, Data Exchange, Applications

Technology Stack WG - convergence toward interoperability of elements on the technical side

Governance Stack WG - models for interoperability on the human side.

ToIP Standard Specifications (TSS) - fully standardized components of the stack, specifications that have broad community adoption

Filling gaps in the stack, where TSS do not yet exist, requires custom specifications to achieve top-to-bottom interoperability that meet the needs of a specific set of vendors and use-cases in a trust ecosystem. This is what we call a ToIP Interoperability Profile (TIP).

Because there are no TSS yet, current work on TIPs by the Technology Stack WG requires pulling DID specs into the stack to test what can work interoperably.

Saturn V TIP - first published implementation of the stack … adopted as a draft deliverable of the Technology Stack WG. Link to the blog post about the Saturn V TIP. [4]

WG has taken on the task of completing a Saturn V TIP and use this progress to, in part, put together templates for other TIPs that can then be tested and implemented to produce adoption metrics for vendors.

Saturn V TIP achieves cohesion top-to-bottom but is not necessarily geared toward a specific market use.

Purpose of the recent announcement is to encourage vendors to be part of the next stage of testing for the full-stack implementation.