13H/ Don’t Use DIDs. Use DID URLs. / Joe A.
From IIW
Session 13H
Don’t Use DIDs use DID URLs
Session Convener: Joe Andrieu
Notes-taker(s): Ed Harris
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
[https: //diddirectory.com/cosmos https: //diddirectory.com/cosmos]
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Detailed implementation of this approach may be viewed at [https: //diddirectory.com/cosmos https: //diddirectory.com/cosmos]
LABEL--> SUBJECT, Pointing to the control asset in the VDR not real worlds things, need ID to point to Offchian things, physical parcel, have hash to doc that describes it
lII. Need did to point to nfts,
- Context of given nft, ref things that are not control asset ie /owner, describes who the owner is
- Example, of standard
- Did:ex:abc
- Did:ex:abc#owner
- Did:ex:abc/image.png
- Label is DID, generate a did docoument based on the the current subject/owner,
- Diddirectoary.com/cosmos (Live url)
- Best example is in the DID cosmos, find spec for any DID you hear about
- Update on Diddirectory
- Mirrors w3c registery pinged every minture, echos registry
- Email contact, can auth. In did directory and take control, can put complex landing page with images, bullets and links, go here and find the method instead of needle in the haystack to find the links
- Conversation, ferwer did mejtods
- Learnings, supper awsome to have independent soverin name spaces, whant interop sapces
- Example
- Did:ford for everhthing FORD controls
- Future, millions of DID moethods
- Cosmos is a usage pattern, initially though it would be a family
- My subject is the control asset, the did key is pointing to the ????
- Jus use dids to point ot the thing
- Counter
- vdr between subject and label, how do you speak about Verifiable Data Registry (where state is measured ie BTC, ETH, etc)
- We took diff approach and get layering
- vdr between subject and label, how do you speak about Verifiable Data Registry (where state is measured ie BTC, ETH, etc)
- Counter
- Ex, client attendee
- Client wants to store Did document in IPFS, anchored on chain, discovery on chain , BTCR has this pattern (joe), replacement or augmentation, got through the anchor to get to the doc
- ? Can I use did URN , alternative did:ipnfs instead of IPFS (Johnnie did this --Joe) cyryp bound pointers can change with consistent IPFS
- ? Subject iuteefl is the VDR
- Is it possible, without subject being the VDR itself?
- Je, had this question doing cosmos, ujust use the ref did# (did hashtag, did doc can have verifidation relationships, verify VC from owner from the crypto that is owner, as separate), use DID, run into ambiguity, with naming, using the spec can now handle this issue in did sctructure url instead of (did spec over 3 years)
- ?best practeices for someone new into this space
- Somewhere to collect this is usfeful, , need best practice patterns
- Implementation guide is the best now, cant change after december
- Next thing is group control over the listings, now it is email bound, need org to use and own it (did: auth, need authtneticate archi anchored to public ????)
- ?Tying dids to nfts,
- Problem, no universal identifier, this interops for the chains
- Make it a url and it is a universal identifier (did cosmos work leverages some of the CAP 19)
- Did url pattern for NFT to have its own namespace bound to the unique NFT
- List
- 4 ways tolink resource
- Put info in did doc
- URL with Hash, when you get back can verify, privacy compliant
- Not give URL, just give #, selling house, not giving info until legit buyer with agent, can see lien report for CC and termite etc
- Most privacy perserrving
- Hash Graph, do not know how many resources there are #graph
- If put properties directly in DID doc, no way to have privacy version that is equivalent, they will hard code to the property
- 4 ways tolink resource
- ? What is the rest of the DID doc
- Did cosmos work
- SDK, strip cosmos, to to hub and look for the next part,
- Exis:…….how to reach router on the cosmos hub
- Structured by modules, here is how you talk to the right module
- Complex nfts
- Green electric production with evidence of approval from UN, cert, audit of facility, all bundleed into complex nft all in NFt module, rougt to the object with *******Business Logic echo back to the module
- No code NFT Module, meet pattern allowed them to be minted
- SDK, strip cosmos, to to hub and look for the next part,
- Did cosmos work
- Lmited spec?
- Thourght son iot???
- Walk ariund the endpoints, point to diff eservices, good chunk can be donw with services, nmental model shift, is it downaladlble resource or mental model
- Canoncial, way to do it, json v json/ld - Joe Anser (missed questions)
- Some folks perfer registry, this is not good in decentralized world, crime agains identity
- Canoncial, way to do it, json v json/ld - Joe Anser (missed questions)
- Walk ariund the endpoints, point to diff eservices, good chunk can be donw with services, nmental model shift, is it downaladlble resource or mental model
- Thourght son iot???
- Did urls are the undiscovered rest of the iceberg in dids, friend left Mr Reed
- ?can did rep multiple subjects, url name space rep multiple subjects
- 2 questions
- Today did is expected to point ot one thing subject, could be a group all americains
- New arch, singe did can have infinte number of refs in namespace, did resource # and did ?method
- In this pattern
- Label is did
- Subject is VDR control asset (did ion), multiple decntralized systems (resolve the did by the VDR)
- Each did resp a single nft, yes
- 2 questions
- ?can did rep multiple subjects, url name space rep multiple subjects
- Is it possible, without subject being the VDR itself?
- Questions, a lot of data in resolution of did???
- Carbon credit stuff, data is in vcs, did model is today
- Project, certification, audit/auditor, energy/smart meter, all VCs, with pointer using this method, VC can be in the Did doc or url in DID pointing to the VC…
- Many use cases, overlading the DID doc., point of view
- If not nfts, then would not come at it this way
- Have the VC this is an nft, we eanted to bind what the NFT is closeest to the control asset as possible
- ?did url use, don't specifity the path in specs, question,
- Joe, unfortunate spec
- Query, path, fragment parts is the pattern (keys in did doc is stnatar, using did query is emergent) - still figuring it out
- In the spec that these are diff things
- Resource, for more that you did with cosmos
- Url, diddirectory.com/cosmos (echo w3c reg with help)