13B/ Self Sovreign D apps / Sam G.
From IIW
Session 13B
Self-Sovereign Dapps
Session Convener: Sam Gbafa
Notes-taker(s): Elissa Maercklein
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Self-Sovereign Dapps:
- The goal is to bring SSI tooling into Web3, where people already have public/private key pairs
- A Dapp is a “web3” application or software that interacts with a smart contract or blockchain in some way - this is a very loose, fluid definition
- Sign-In with Ethereum - a way to sign into an application using your Ethereum-based account with authentication
- Authentication vs Authorization
- Authentication: Hi, this is me!
- Authorization: Yes, you can have some permissions (informed consent!)
- ReCap extends SIWE to include authorizations
- Provision access to self-hosted data or verifiable credentials
- i.e. new web3 Instagram: Provision access to settings, to photos, to friends list
- How can we extend beyond just signing in?
- Applications we use - Uber, Twitter, etc. - they control the identifier and can remove/delete your account if they want to
- SSX Library - Self-Sovereign Anything: use SIWE to establish a session for an app instead of a username and password
- How do you now have VCs with the key?
- Rebase: self-issue credentials, i.e. sign a statement proving you are the owner of a Twitter account, post tweet & witness verifies, Rebase issues a Verifiable Credential. User for a Dapp now can have this VC in their data store and give access to Dapp for the data store
- Kepler: store credentials in a self-hosted data vault, provision access to only that folder
- This helps to limit cost of compliance without a need to store potentially high-risk data, like healthcare data, while empowering individuals to store and maintain this data themselves
- Also enables revocation by sending to a node that then distributes further
- SSX gives simple API to allow Dapp developers to interact with these libraries
- Users show up with key and can do everything
- How would I limit interaction in a smart contract to require proof from a VC before interacting?
- Topic is an active area of research
- Paper released last month that shared how a smart contract could produce verifiable credentials
- EIP under review to have same key-pair issue encryption keys, as well
- Issuing Verificable Credentials with Smart Contracts Talk