11L/ The Thoughtful Biometrics (un)Conference coming in January - Sharing Ideas
The Thoughtful Biometrics (un)Conference Coming in January - Sharing Ideas Thoughtful Biometrics Conference
Wednesday 11L
Convener: Kaliya Young, John “Jack” Callahan, Asem Othman
Notes-taker(s): Kaliya Young
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
We talked about the vision we have for the Thoughtful Biometrics (un)Conference.
January 2021
Solving the problems.
Sharing 101 learning.
MITRE people could they show up? Chris Buchanan asked to what affect?
Matriculate the ideas and concepts - via all of the biometric related people - who work with governments
Have to “win over” the MITRE engineers.
Daniel Bachenheimer - see what we are doing here in this space similar to what ICAO has done for their digital document (ePassport credential).
What are the biometric images / standards ?
What are the IAL requirements involved?
What are applications of pseudonymous biometric technology? (i.e., identify someone in a population) - see Doddington Zoo references in the literature
How do we handle morphing?
Some of it is use-case driven similar place to ICAO
Images and templates
When including biometric identifiers in credentials as a Verifiable Claim (e.g., an ICAO ePassport) we should consider:
What mode(s) is (are) required, versus optional
Photo capture process (e.g., live or not; professional or amateur), glasses (or not), quality (quality algo used)
Identity Assurance Level (e.g., NIST 800-63-3)
Format: Image, template (incl templ algo), hash (incl hash algo)
Images are not dependant on proprietary templates or hashes and typically out-perform standardized templates
Informed Consent: biometrics are considered sensitive personal data per GDPR and should be handled accordingly. When shored through informed consent, how will the info be used, by whom, for how long, etc.
George Fletcher - What problem(s) are we trying to solve.
Let’s enumerate use -cases already being used.
Todd Gerhke - id2020 work with iRespond in Bangladesh
Jeff Kennedy - Kiva work in Sierra Leone with single digit fingerprint
Chris B. - MITRE - new Social Justice team with interest in biometrics
John “Jack” C - new DIF Biometrics SIG