11H/ Universal Declaration of Digital Identity

From IIW

Universal Declaration of Digital Identity (UDDR/UDDI)

Wednesday 11H

Convener: Jean F. Queralt (TIOF), Jeff Aresty (IBO)


Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Reference documents

UDDR White Paper Draft


UDDR Draft


UDDR Concept Brochure


2019 DRAW Booklet


Contact Information

Jeff Aresty

Jean F. Queralt


How the regulations related to technology can be incorporated into life. For example, GDPR is top down, and, ultimately for its enforcement to work, people who are subject to the law need to understand it and be willing to be subject to its governance in all forms.

How Digital Identity can lead to digital rights - maybe the starting point is the rights of the data. In order for data to have value of any sort, it needs to be contextualized. Once the data comes from a source, the link can not be severed. If we can define rights from a global perspective, and, that it can be described in a global standards way, we can both protect the data and the user.

From an individual perspective, if I am my data, then most democratic jurisdictions will have certain rights and duties of care with respect to that data. And, whether they are a positive or a negative right, the government will have a role to play to protect the data of their own citizens.

The first iteration of this is a Universal Declaration of Digital Rights - link above.

Is digital identity for use in the digital world or the real world?

Has there been a conversation anywhere about SSI is intersecting with disinformation - we have a huge challenge with what is real and what is not real - how do you enforce sanctions against untrustworthy information?

Zoom Chat:

From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone: 12:38 PM Heya

From Tony Fish to Everyone: 12:39 PM i am hiding :)

From Tony Fish to Everyone: 12:58 PM Humans move in and out of relationships and our mental and legal models worked within this conceptual framework. Digital contracts, tracking, consent notices, risks and use of data survives all users engagement. This is a change in the fabric. which fabric are you creating right for? tony pain in the ass fish why do you need a secure ID ? rules, governance and principles are connected via the risk framework - if the risk framework was built for the old system, how will it identity risk in the new digital first world? .. "identify" risk how would the individual ever understand the risk It's all data until I attach it to my identity at which point it becomes information If I trust you (with information), then I increase my risk and decrease privacy in a one to one relationship If I increase security (by gating my information), then I decrease risk and increase privacy in a one to many relationship Trust and Security are actions that I can take. Risk and Privacy are consequences of those actions Identity is the spider that spins the web

From Tony Fish to Everyone: 01:01 PM Spider web is very strong, yet also delicate and fragile Just like these relationships predicated on data Identity: A personal context that can be attributed to data Trust: The quantity and quality of identity attributed data that I actively share with you Risk: The expected negative consequences of you doing something with my data Security: The processes that I put in place to control the data that I share with anyone Privacy: The level of control I have to generally reduce negative outcomes of data sharing. sorry for my rambles

Music - so when the fabric changes those who want the old may not survive. the new is emerging. digital first

From Jeff Doctor to Everyone: 01:02 PM I’d prefer not to be recorded

From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone: 01:04 PM Thanks everyone for coming to the session.

From Trev Harmon to Everyone: 01:06 PM Hi everyone. Has a link to the doc being shown been shared?

From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone: 01:08 PM UDDR White Paper Draft https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Id4gIcoDzsZs04EdWZM-5vs5M_nSlheAMb68ZmJwrhs/edit UDDR Draft https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y9C-5TPYmRruRQqJq39-HePk3ypWLDpSAEVzuonOH2Q/edit UDDI Draft https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z8X_jB_P40fHjii2a4_GrUETi7x7Ty8V-RavjhK42jk/edit?usp=sharing

Note: The UDDR is a pokemon evo from the UDDI. So to speak.

From Trev Harmon to Everyone: 01:08 PM Thank you!

From Jeff Orgel to Everyone: 01:14 PM Far more persistent online so arguably far worse...!?

From Melody Musoni to Everyone: 01:15 PM I am still new in this field. Perhaps you may start by defining what Digital Identity is. Where do we draw the line between what we consider to be part of Digital Identity and what shouldn't. Thank you.

From Trev Harmon to Everyone: 01:17 PM If data has severed, independent rights, in the case of redress, who has standing to bring that into the courts?

From Tony Fish to Everyone: 01:19 PM @melody Digital Identity like risk, beauty and trust - it all depends on the eye of the beholder.

From Jeff Orgel to Everyone: 01:19 PM 3 Jeffs, wow!

From Jeff Doctor to Everyone: 01:20 PM Can never have enough jeff

From Me to Everyone: 01:20 PM Digital Identity definitions are all over the place.

From Tony Fish to Everyone: 01:20 PM is data and digital interchangeable in this document ?

From Me to Everyone: 01:22 PM I try to separate them out into sectors: legal identity is one specific form of digital ID, but not the only one there are medical and financial identities reputational identity - both social and skills but ultimately, each piece of identity can be looked at as a data attribute which needs to be contextualized

From Tony Fish to Everyone: 01:22 PM can digital exist without data? can data exist without digital ?

From Me to Everyone: 01:23 PM And, then governing how that data is created so that it can be trustworthy to those who 'own' it, or ultimately, 'rely' upon it - in a global sense - is what we are working on

From Melody Musoni to Everyone: 01:24 PM @Jeffrey, thanks for the clarity. I think a working definition is very important particularly for most African countries here as digital rights are usually overlooked. I can imagine the same goes for digital identity and less protection being afforded to certain digital identities, apart from the legal DIDs

From Lisa LeVasseur to Everyone: 01:25 PM I know a lot of you were in the session where I shared this yesterday, but for those who weren't, we've started to catalog digital harms here: https://me2ba.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/LivingDocuments/EcqGrfGY8qJEiioT-RpuNb4BxSIPpzWzWFl7nfTN1cbl8w?e=S1rfS4 can also find it a www.me2ba.org/resources

From Jeff Orgel to Everyone: 01:25 PM Really great effort!!!

From Jeff Doctor to Everyone: 01:25 PM Has this work taken into account UNDRIP ? https://www.un.org/develoPM nt/desa/indigenouspeoples/declaration-on-the-rights-of-indigenous-peoples.html or even ILO 169? https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C169

From Lisa LeVasseur to Everyone: 01:26 PM @Jeff D thanks for those links

From Jeff Doctor to Everyone: 01:27 PM United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) - C169 - Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) (ILO 169)

From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone: 01:27 PM @Jeff: The concepts reflected do not specifically tie to existing Rights. The reality of data (which doesn't care if it represent me, you or anybody else) is substantially different.

From Tony Fish to Everyone: 01:27 PM @lisa +1