11E/ BBS+ Credential Exchange in Hyperledger Aries

From IIW

BBS+ Credential Exchange in Hyperledger Aries

Wednesday 11E

Convener: Timo Glastra, Karim Stekelenburg


Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Link to Presentation Slides: https://iiw.animo.id


19:07:28 From Juan Caballero1 : so glad this is being recorded! let's publish this afterwards on DIF YouTube :D

19:07:56 From Jace Hensley : (It’s not showing that it’s recording for me)

19:08:02 From Deas Richardson : It is for me

19:08:04 From Dan Bachenheimer : it is for me

19:08:07 From Tania Barron : excelent that this is being recorded!!

19:08:08 From Artur Philipp : it is showing for me

19:08:09 From Jace Hensley : :thumbsup:

19:08:09 From Berend Sliedrecht : It is for me aswell

19:08:11 From camparra : Yeah it’s recording

19:11:11 From Andrea Reginato : Great, simple and clear way to present. I’m curious to know with which tool you made the presentation too :)

19:11:39 From Karim Stekelenburg : Deck MDX!

19:12:13 From Karim Stekelenburg : @Andrea https://github.com/jxnblk/mdx-deck

19:13:45 From Andrea Reginato : Thanks @karim!

19:17:21 From Sebastian Schmittner : looks better than the typical revealjs to me :)

19:18:06 From Karim Stekelenburg : It’s pretty neat indeed :)

19:18:25 From Sebastian Schmittner : I am sorry that I missed the first couple of minutes. Is there some working implementation out there to actually generate/work with these VCs shown currently?

19:18:58 From Troy Ronda : aries-framework-go is one of them.

19:19:24 From Karim Stekelenburg : The ACA-Py implementation will be merged in shortly

19:20:50 From Stephen Curran : PR: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/1061

19:22:02 From Sebastian Schmittner : awesome! We are doing some prototyping right now where we are using JSON-LD VCs with the americans, but, since we are also running a node in the HL Indy network of ID Union, it would be really great if we could bridge the Ocean here ;)

19:22:25 From Dominic Wörner : +1

19:22:48 From Drummond Reed : Watch out for those correlating DIDs!!

19:24:18 From Brent Zundel : we can make steps toward this in the "What's next for BBS+ LD-Proofs" session later today

19:24:32 From Berend Sliedrecht : +1!

19:24:41 From Karim Stekelenburg : +1!

19:24:44 From Drummond Reed : +++1

19:24:47 From Sebastian Schmittner : looking forward! :)

19:24:55 From Ajay Jadhav : Great work.. !!

19:26:34 From Micha Kraus : Is holder binding generally missing in all the current bbs+ based credential implementations?

19:27:18 From Drummond Reed : There is no private holder binding yet.

19:27:42 From Paul Bastian : Is this planned for BBS+?

19:28:28 From Berend Sliedrecht : slides are located at iiw.animo.id :-)

19:28:40 From Dan Bachenheimer : thanks

19:28:53 From Oliver Terbu : really amazing presentation. will the video be available?

19:29:01 From Karim Stekelenburg : Yes!

19:29:28 From Kyle Den Hartog : Yes, we’ve been working on private holder binding. Right now we’re actively focused on trying to make the API designs “just work” so we’ve not fully exposed the capabilities yet. It’s an in progress work item for us

19:29:29 From Deas Richardson : Very cool demo - love the interactive slides

19:30:46 From Dominic Wörner : On Private holder binding: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/issues/37

19:31:58 From matthewhall78 : For the new people Can you define BBS+ acronym?

19:32:10 From Daniel Buchner : It's three names

19:32:14 From Dan Bachenheimer : the htree inventors

19:32:30 From Stephen Curran : FYI -- Shaanjot Gill at BC Gov did the bulk of the PE implementation in ACA-Py.

19:32:36 From Daniel Buchner : Waiting for a new scheme to popup called SSS

19:32:43 From Daniel Buchner : Smith Smith and Smith

19:32:59 From Stephen Curran : Timo and Karim did a HUGE amount!!!

19:33:07 From Daniel Buchner : make life easy for us and name all cryptographers John Smith

19:33:08 From Berend Sliedrecht : +1!

19:33:21 From Bart Suichies : I thought they were all called Alice and Bob?

19:33:34 From Daniel Buchner : Alice and Bob Smith? :)

19:33:39 From Bart Suichies : use the arrows

19:33:42 From Catherine Nabbala : Yes

19:33:44 From Matteo Marangoni : Hit bar

19:34:32 From Dan Bachenheimer : thanks

19:36:12 From Sebastian Schmittner : that's really amazing! the JSON-LD credentials finally comming to the Hyper Ledger world is really amazing :) thanks a lot for your work on this!

19:39:01 From Brent Zundel : +1 to collaboration

19:41:12 From Drummond Reed : But BBS+ does not support predicate proofs right now. So no more “older than 18” until predicate proofs are added back in.

19:43:04 From matthewhall78 : github.com/Hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent has the feature on the roadmap to allow a proof request to be from multiple credentials.

19:43:23 From Christian Bormann : you could use the aries-go on mobile, correct ?

19:43:41 From Sebastian Schmittner : the BPA is also aca-py based, isnt it?

19:43:49 From Kyle Den Hartog : Yeah they might have it in there as well

19:43:55 From Kyle Den Hartog : They’ve got support in their CHAPI work

19:43:59 From matthewhall78 : Yes, BPA is ACA-py based

19:44:05 From Troy Ronda : You can do a gomobile build, but we havn

19:44:24 From Troy Ronda : ’T played with this enough - needs more contributions :).

19:44:46 From Troy Ronda : (Referring to the aries-framework-go question).

19:45:06 From Troy Ronda : We have also done this in the browser from a Web Wallet based on a WASM build.

19:45:45 From Bart Suichies : Demo of that will be tomorrow

19:46:09 From Víctor Martínez : yes!

19:46:11 From Kyle Den Hartog : Good to hear! Nice job on getting that stuff in there. I wasn’t sure where things were at for ACA-py moving to abstract resolution architecture

19:46:19 From Karim Stekelenburg : +++++ for the universal resolver work!

19:46:43 From Ajay Jadhav : That’s nice..

19:46:45 From Kyle Den Hartog : Has the abstract registration architecture been done yet?

19:47:36 From Troy Ronda : Aries-framework-go supports universal resolver and also DID resolvers that you define and work as Go code.

19:47:50 From Troy Ronda : We have Go code for our Sidetree-derived methods, of course.

19:48:00 From Kyle Den Hartog : Figured you guys had it in there

19:48:23 From Daniel Buchner : I'm so tempted to ask our teams to just use this if it supports ION LOL

19:48:39 From Drummond Reed : Good temptation!

19:48:43 From Dominic Wörner : I’m trying to get a least did:web support into ACA-py [19:43] Woerner Dominic (RBCH/PJ-IOT)

ich mach grad nebenbei did:web support (wink)


19:48:57 From Drummond Reed : Adding ION support should not be hard, no?

19:49:06 From Troy Ronda : Sidetree VDR library support: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go-ext/tree/main/component/vdr/sidetree

19:49:07 From Daniel Buchner : Yeah, it supports all the right keys

19:49:13 From Balazs Nemethi : :)

19:49:16 From Daniel Buchner : so should be rather effortless, I would imagine

19:49:19 From Bart Suichies : hahahaha

19:49:27 From Ajay Jadhav : :)

19:49:28 From Bart Suichies : maybe there will even be specifications ;)

19:49:43 From Kyle Den Hartog : lol

19:49:45 From Daniel Bluhm : @Kyle no abstracted DID registration yet

19:49:56 From Daniel Bluhm : For ACA-Py at least

19:49:57 From Drummond Reed : specs? who bothers with specs??? ;-)

19:50:00 From Kyle Den Hartog : Cool thanks for clarifying

19:50:23 From Daniel Buchner : Spec-ges, spec-ges, we don't need no stinking spec-ges!

19:51:36 From matthewhall78 : badges

19:52:11 From Berend Sliedrecht : +1 Kyle!

19:52:16 From Drummond Reed : ++1

19:52:37 From Kyle Den Hartog : The technology is maturing and becoming a reality

19:53:04 From matthewhall78 : When is support for predicates coming?

19:53:10 From Oliver Terbu : do you have a link to the repo+branch (if it is a branch)?

19:53:21 From Leah Houston : I have been following this, and I am very grateful for this work (everyones work)

19:54:02 From TimoGlastra : https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/1061

19:54:07 From TimoGlastra : @oliver

19:54:56 From Oliver Terbu : https://hackmd.io/@quartzjer/JWS_Sets

19:58:35 From Stephen Curran To TimoGlastra(privately) : You should stop the recording