10D/ Directories in Distributed Identity

From IIW

Directories in Distributed Identity

Wednesday 10D

Conveners: Sam Curren, Ken Ebert, Suresh Batchu, Kiran Addepalli

Notes-taker(s): Kiran Addepalli [kiran@digitaltrust.net]

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps

Slide Deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YjTJK1Zq8Z5iRmo3cn321EUu4fjwpCci/edit#slide=id.p1s

ADIA site: https://adiassociation.org

  • Does the Directory support a pairwise DID - The directory supports exchange between two parties. The directory enables the interaction.

  • Would including a DID in an LDAP be a good way to implement the directory?

  • Much of the social web doesn’t require KYC. Trusted Issuer = Trusted by the Directory. We don’t prohibit the model where self-asserted identities are not left out. Ex: Email provider can be a trusted issuer. Some services like Instagram are getting good at providing ads that are relevant.

  • Directory is responsible for the DID and then it is up to the parties to decide what information to share.

  • Will Alice be notified by the directory when one of her DIDs has been shared with Bob — or only if/when Bob reaches out to her via the DID obtained from the directory? - Yes

  • I am just wondering if there is probably a need for syncing in a decentralized manner. E.g. I am registering a Service at a specific Directory Service (because I know exactly that one) but I want to be distributed (in a verified way) that the service will be available on all other directories which somebody else want to trust.

  • How would customer integrate with the ecosystem

    • We have the specification coming up in june. The technology working group meets on thursdays. Please contact jason@digitialtrust.net for further details.

    • The specification also aims to address some of the protocols to interact with the directories.

  • Will the Directory analyze/store query results to optimize future query results or would that violate the Directory’s privacy model? - we are focussing on the metadata lookups for faster lookups.

  • I think there is room for zero-knowledge service type directories that don’t know about the data they process, as well as transparent ones that do query optimization and analytics

  • Dan Robertson - On an earlier topic, even when hashed search values are used, a client could potentially do fuzzy matching with a local list of synonyms, where a user inputting "dan" would also automatically get results for "daniel" and "danny".